[@Lady Hestia] [hider=Kyumin Myo][center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/7cf42d92faea626c1d7d64f6fc9efe4e/tumblr_inline_o6orb4Mf0A1qdeput_500.gif[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmM3ODI1Mi5TM2wxYldsdUlFMTVidywsLjA,/raven-script-demo.regular.png[/img] {"Even if you go through dark times, If you keep going you will see the light again"} -Unknown[hr][hr] [color=#e1b587]Name:[/color] Kyumin Myo [color=#e1b587]Nickname:[/color] kyukyu, baby, smol bean [color=#e1b587]Date of Birth:[/color] October 1, 1998 [color=#e1b587]Age:[/color] 17 [color=#e1b587]Gender:[/color] Male [color=#e1b587]Sexuality:[/color] Bisexual [color=#e1b587]Relationship Status:[/color] Single [color=#e1b587]Group:[/color] White Tigers [color=#e1b587]Occupation:[/color] Part-timer at a music shop [color=#e1b587]Room Number:[/color] Rooms will be assigned, when all characters are approved [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/e08c742c02436bd3ab1367c216999ddc/tumblr_inline_o6orazoiyS1qdeput_500.gif[/img] [color=#e1b587]In Depth Appearance:[/color] kyumin earned the nickname "baby" with his short stature, slim nose, and adorable face. he has always looked younger than his real age, and his adorable smile could probably move even the heart of satan himself. if there’s no special event, he will just brush down his hair. the bleach blonde strands stand out against his skin even though he is more pale-complected than most Koreans. however, with everyone and their moms dying their hair nowadays, it usually doesn’t elicit any reaction other than a raised eyebrow. his bangs are just long enough to brush his eyelashes. he wears contacts for his nearsightedness, but sometimes you will see him in thick black frames. he favors comfortable tops like sweaters, sweatshirts, and oversize t-shirts paired with skinny jeans and sneakers or athletic shoes. he often wears long sleeves to cover bruises or other injuries. kyumin also likes earrings; fight him if you don’t like it. he has a pair for every day of the week. [img]http://s1.favim.com/orig/150707/alien-bts-handsome-v-Favim.com-2920371.gif[/img] [color=#e1b587]Habits | Oddities | Quirks:[/color] Fiddles with earrings Scrunches face up Biting his nails Touching anything that’s cute [color=#e1b587]Hobbies:[/color] Searching for music that no one listens to, Photography Relaxing whenever he gets a chance [color=#e1b587]Secrets:[/color] He thinks Real Kings is really cool, but he won't say that to anyone. Sometimes he likes to sneak out of the dorm, and goes up to the roof top. He likes to sit on the ledge and just think. [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/5706c628f77a31e8819fea22e61e7bcb/tumblr_nahhmfN9hi1tcie1vo2_500.gif[/img] [color=#e1b587]Likes:[/color] Lions japchae (Korean glass noodles with vegetables and meat) and any kind of meat He likes collecting big, oversized dolls Anything that is unique to him is something that he likes Has a strange affinity for bubbles Playing the piano Classical music Nighttime [color=#e1b587]Dislikes:[/color] “you’re so small/cute!” selfishness his father wasting time hot weather When people just assume that he thinks he is better than everyone else like some other members of white tigers [color=#e1b587]Fears:[/color] His Father Fires [img]http://s9.favim.com/orig/140512/bts-jin-suga-v-Favim.com-1751629.gif[/img] [color=#e1b587]Personality:[/color] upon meeting him, kyumin is what you would call a “smol bean.” he fits the title well; he’s short for an eighteen year old guy, his voice is soft and clear, and his smile could make flowers grow. he doesn’t speak unless spoken to, which usually gives people who don’t know him well the impression that he’s quiet and shy. well, yeah, he’s quiet, but he’s also comfortable in social situations and usually doesn’t struggle talking to others. he makes friends easily because it’s hard to dislike him and even harder to be mad at him. i mean, just look at him. i know, right? beneath the gummy smile and the gentle and soft-spoken exterior is a boy with a surprising amount of snark. he makes the sarcastic remarks and somewhat morbid comments when he thinks only his real friends can hear him make them. he also curses a lot. once he starts pulling out the swear words around you, you know you’re fairly close to him, or at least close enough to where he thinks you won’t badmouth him to your mutual friends. that’s another thing: kyumin is distrustful to a fault. he always instinctively thinks the worst of everyone because in his eyes everyone’s got an ulterior motive. everyone’s a jealous, greedy, gossiping liar until proven otherwise. even though he has super-low standards for humanity, kyumi still treats everyone equally and with kindness so long as they don’t piss him off. though his oftentimes bleak observations and pessimistic worldview suggest otherwise, he has a very optimistic belief that things will get better as long as you put in the effort to make it better – whatever it takes. he’s a hardworking guy who never leaves his friends hanging if he can help it. people who make him mad quickly see that he’s all bark and no bite, although he can make someone feel as small as an ant with stinging insults. when he’s pushed too far, however, he closes himself off from everyone and gets more stressed if people bother him, no matter how good their intentions may be. it takes time for him to recover enough to interact with others again. [color=#e1b587]Place of Origin:[/color] Daegu, South Korea [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/f8ef59cbcf4015354637953f7ba0b66b/tumblr_nv5exnsT2i1ug5ch7o1_500.gif[/img] [color=#e1b587]History:[/color] Kyumin was born on the morning of october 1, 1998 to Myo Namkyung and Park Seonhwa. Seonhwa, or Sasha as she liked to be called, was a korean-american pianist of the american symphony orchestra. she met Namkyung on a trip to korea to visit her family. The two married after only 6 months, and Sasha was pregnant just weeks afterwards. Kyumin was born not even 2 years after they had met. things started out well enough. Sasha came from a wealthy family, and with their help she and her husband and their young son were able to live a comfortable, upper class life. But Sasha yearned to return to the stage, to her life before all of its changes. she sat at the glossy black piano in the parlor and played concertos, sonatas, and waltzes for hours everyday. to appease herself, she began teaching her son. Kyumin learned how to play the piano and walk at the same time. his mother stayed at home and raised him while his father worked. If Kyumin had been older, maybe he would have noticed the signs. the dinners tossed into the trash, the untouched pill bottles, the way she sometimes sat on the piano bench and stared out the window for long periods of time and snapped at him in a way she never snapped at him if he bothered her. She left a note and a promise to keep in touch, but she still went. Kyumin was nine. the loss hit Kyumin’s father hard to say the least. Here was a man who had given up his dreams of becoming a writer to support his wife and their son (who, if he was honest, had been a complete accident). Here was a man whose wife left him with nothing more than a note, a dead end office job, and the responsibility of a young child. Kyumin’s father turned to alcohol. He quit the office job and began writing again, eventually taking up odd jobs to scrape together a living when the parks refused to completely support them. For a while Namkyung and Kyumin lived this way, but their relationship remained distant due to the drinking and perpetual silence. It wasn’t until Kyumin was twelve and his father began trying to get his “fucking memoirs” (as Kyumin likes to call them) published that problems started occurring. Kyumin’s father would take out his frustration on his son. first it was just yelling and cursing, but this soon escalated into full out drunken, severe physical abuse. he would be dragged around by his hair, thrown down the stairs, and choked until he was begging for air. Kyumin pondered suicide. he would take comfort in playing the piano in the parlor. It was an activity he associated with just the good memories of his mother, and he was very good at it to boot. One day, when Kyumin was fourteen and hadn’t been careful enough to check that his father was at work, the man walked in on him playing claire de lune. that night, Kyumin heard the piano being dragged outside, the splintering of wood, and the screeching of strings. a week later, he tried suicide. it turned out that medicine gets less potent over time, so instead of shutting down his heart, the pills in the cabinet just made him vomit a lot. He figured he should end it before his father found out what he’d tried to do, so a couple days later he attempted to hang himself from the ceiling fan in his bedroom. he didn’t half-ass it either: the knots in the rope around his neck were secure, and he’d tested his weight on the ceiling fan beforehand. It almost worked but a neighbor saw him through the window and alerted his father, who got him down right before he punched him in the face. Regardless, the incident must have scared his father because kyumin was left alone for a while. He collected himself and reduced his depression from a storm to just a cloud. eventually he began to think about his future. Though Kyumin made it clear that he wanted to pursue music at least as an extracurricular if not as a career, his father vehemently refused. When Kyumin actually stood up and argued back at his father about the subject, the man threatened to kick him out if he didn’t pursue something more worthwhile, like medicine or economics. shortly after this declaration, his father actually got those fucking memoirs published. he used some of the money to send Kyumin (against his son’s wishes) to Sevit academy, the prestigious and notoriously competitive school. And that’s basically the sad story of Kyumin’s life. Oh, sure, there are brighter moments– he’s always been able to lean on at least a few people for support, and the friends who don’t know anything about it still help him in some way, of course. The time he spent outside of the house was okay, even pleasant sometimes. the abuse continued to the day he moved out; the only difference was that his father could inflict it while sober. Still, Kyumin’s glad that of all the schools his father could have chosen, he chose a boarding school. His father still calls every once in a while to yell at him and tell him he better be making good grades or else. Kyumin still flinches at the sound of his voice. but he’s not so afraid anymore, not now that he finally got out of there. When School is out of session, He uses the money that he saves from his part-time job to rent a apartment over the summer. [color=#e1b587]Misc.:[/color] He no longer plays the piano, becomes when he does it just reminds him of pain now. He always carries a camera around his neck, and takes pictures of things he finds interesting. [img]http://i44.tinypic.com/24xm1li.jpg[/img][/center][/Hider]