[@Mercenary Lord] Basically being in charge of keeping the ship in the skies. Any damage needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. The ship itself runs on massive Light Crystals which need to be protected or they could potentially explode if hit by and enemy round. And whilst the Navigator would be the one piloting the ship during an aerial battle, it would be the Chief Engineer's job to keep each Light Wing of the ship fully operational in order to best respond to the Navigator's evasive maneuvers. During peacetime, you would delegate work flow to lower engineers, maybe even have an apprentice to teach. You might also want to invest your character as the tinkerer-type. Given that the Ocean Horizon is literally the only ship of its' kind, your character would have the most advanced knowledge of its' workings aside from Cagen himself and maybe Fletcher. This could mean that in your spare time, your character could enjoy attempting to fully optimize the Horizon to reach its' full potential.