Here are the bounties for the red hood pirates..sorry it look so long... make sure you guys add these to character tab "Red Hood" Bogard D. Sunny Bounty: 235,ooo,ooo Beli Destroyed Muron Prison (on "showcasing day") Breaking out Xerxes & Jackal (star prisoners) Captain of the Red Hood Pirates Gravely injuring Captain Zeppelli Fadel Nobu Bounty: 3oo,5oo,ooo Beli Extinction of Humanity on Drum Island Fought toe to toe against Anaru Potential Threat to World Threat to World Government Member of Red Hood Pirates Conspired to break Xerxes & Jackal out of Muron Prison. Dirk Messir Bounty: 1oo,25o,ooo Beli (super rookie) Attempted Murder on Lt. Anaru 1st Mate of Red Hood Pirates Conspired to break Xerxes & Jackal out of Muron Prison Jax Farseer Bounty: 2o,25o,ooo Beli Battled Marines on Drum Island Member of Red Hood Pirates Conspired to break Xerxes & Jackal out of Muron Prison