[center][h1][color=AA3939]Marcus Williams[/color][/h1] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-H6vys6YPE5E/V1Rsy9y9W8I/AAAAAAAAGB8/nffB0tUcEnEM0_jVpkPUm3T8rMO01k7Fg/w540-h240/Bucky%2BBarnes%2523257.gif[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] The Sanctuary, (Near Barichara Colombia) [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Alexandra Ivanov [@Chickn], Lisa Martinez [@AbandonedIntel], Sort of the rest of the group[hr][/center] Glancing about the hallway he stood in, Marcus was struck by one thing in particular. As a few people wandered past him, there were no second glances on account of his arm. If he had walked around at home with his arm so openly visible, he'd have people staring, coming up to question him, but everyone here seemed to just accept it. It was something of a relief to him, and he could only guess how it might have made the girl with the tentacle arms feel if she had the same experience. Hearing the familiar voice of Lisa coming toward him, he turned to face her, seeing the group come back toward him as he forced something of an awkward half-smile. [color=AA3939][b]"Sorry, just a bit eager to stretch my legs."[/b][/color] He shrugged as he excused himself, glancing over to Alexandra as she spoke up, raising an eyebrow but smiling softly at her comment, pleased to know at least now what room he was in. Glancing back up the hall, he could see the room from where he was, the plain door with the number in brass letters. Turning his gaze back toward Lisa, he shrugged at her question. [color=AA3939][b]"I saw two of them run about up here, though i'm not sure where they are."[/b][/color] He explained with a shrug, glancing back down the hall for a moment before looking over to Alexandra again as she spoke up. This time, Marcus decided not to move off, even though he knew which way to go, he'd stick around this time until at least he knew that it was alright to make his way off to his room and get settled.