And there goes my application~ [hider=The hunt is on] [img][/img] [color=ed1c24]Natasha “Tasha” Jackson [/color] [ hr] [color=ed1c24]Basic Information[/color] [color=ed1c24]| Name |[/color] Natasha Valentine Jackson [color=ed1c24]| Date of Birth |[/color] July 5th, 1990.(26) [color=ed1c24]| Gender |[/color] Female [color=ed1c24]| Sexuality |[/color] Bi [color=ed1c24]| Occupation |[/color] None(Monster Hunter) [color=ed1c24]| In-Depth Appearance |[/color] Tasha is 5’8’’ tall, she has very light skin, incredibly light blond hair and piercing gray eyes. She has a great number of scars all around her body. Over 20 % of her skin is covered by scar tissue, most of which has never seen hospital aid for that would cause suspicion. Most of the scars come from claw or bite marks, some from fire and even acid burns. Still her face has so far been spared any noticeable damage so far. That’s the reason why she wears long clothes no matter the season. Her favorite being a black leather jacket and black leather pants which she completes with a pair of high leather boots and pair of leather gloves. [color=ed1c24]| Scent |[/color] Tasha has the scent of a wide variety of herbs since she uses a lot of different ones in her hunts when different kinds of protections and effects are called for. Her favorite being the Amaranth that’s her usual herb to go when hunting were creatures. [ hr] [color=ed1c24] Who Am I? [/color] [color=ed1c24]| Personality |[/color] ♦ Determined ♦ Unstable ♦ Friendly ♦ Sadistic ♦ Natasha is a very determined student of nature’s laws. She has long since learned that the strong survive and the weak perish. Thus she will chase and pursue her goals with extreme zeal, ready to trample anyone who stands in her way, especially werewolves. That said she is still an openly friendly person at first at least. She’s bright, smiles a lot and often lures her targets into a false sense of security before the trap closes and her real colors shows. At least when it comes to supernaturals, with normal humans she is usually simply friendly without much hidden agendas. Still Tasha has an innate hatred for werewolves. Given her past and history with supernaturals, Tasha is a somewhat unstable person. She is prone to mood swings and changes of attitude at such speeds when it comes to supernatural creatures that it’s an almost certain sign of some form of psychological disorder. The target of the majority of her hatred seems to be werecreatures. As a possessor of such intense hatred, she’s often extremely cruel and sadistic during hunts. She doesn’t expect any mercy from beasts so she returns in kind. Even her colleagues tend to stay as far as possible away from her unless the hunt requires multiple people. [color=ed1c24]| Likes & Dislikes |[/color] ✔Weapons ✔Music ✔Cars ✔Silver ✔Flowers ✔Ancient torture methods ✔Origami ✔Chemistry & Herbalism ✔Books ✘Werewolves ✘Other hunters ✘Sweet food ✘ Full moons ✘ Animals from the canine family [color=ed1c24]Hobbies[/color] Natasha’s best time killer is to listen to music while maintaining her equipment. If that’s already done, the next best thing is reading books on various subjects from folklore to science books. Everything as long as it’s interesting and there is something to be learned from it. Even fantasy novels provide possible insights into different scenarios and then again sometime it’s simply to relax. While in that subject she also enjoys visiting museums and different antique shops. [color=ed1c24]| History |[/color] Natasha was born a single child to a family that lived in New York. The couple weren’t married, but they still loved each other and their newly born child a lot. The years quickly rolled by as Natasha grew up. Around the age of 7, her family started going on vacation away from the busy city and into nature. They used to visit different place each summer, usually cottages in forest areas. When she was 12, her family went on the usual vacation, but this time things were going to go horribly wrong. They were camping out in the woods when distant gunshots and howls started going off. It was late at night and the 3 of them were in their tent when all hell broke loose. They had stumbled upon a forest where a hunters were chasing down a werewolf pack. As the creatures were driven into a berserk state from all the injuries and the battle, they came upon Natasha’s family camp. What followed was a brutal slaughter as her parents were drawn out of the tent and torn to pieces in front of her own eyes. The wolves then descended upon her, but luckily she ended with only claw wounds across her body as the hunters finally caught up with the survivors of the pack and finished them, before they can bite the poor girl. Since then Natasha started traveling with the hunters. Officially she was adopted into a family of hunters, but in truth it was a simply a couple that were tasked with training her. At first she grew dark and bitter as her mental state deteriorated along with her growing hatred. It wasn’t until her 17th birthday that she finally took part of her first hunt. At the time they were chasing down a werewolf and Tasha in her maddened state from hatred, showed the beast the true fear of being a pray. She cut it’s feet at the end when it leaped at her in a desperate attempt to take her down with it. And then proceeded to stab the beast a great number of times until it finally showed no signs of life. It was only after that hunt that Tasha’s mental state stabilized…somewhat. She still has a lot of moodswings and emotional outburst along with anger issues, but at least she’s not a complete danger to herself and everyone around her most of the time. [color=ed1c24]| Family |[/color] John Valentine Jackson – father – deceased Michaela Valentine Jackson – mother – deceased [color=ed1c24]| Strengths |[/color] • Very athletic. • Great Fighter(melee) • Incredible reflexes [color=ed1c24]| Weaknesses |[/color] • Unstable mentally • Weak grip in her left arm due injury as a child.( Example can hold a gun, but cannot muster the strength in her fingers to pull the trigger. Swung weapon would fly out of her arm unless it has proper grip and armguard.) • Old injuries sometimes hurt to the point she cannot sleep. [ hr] [color=ed1c24] The Other [/color] [color=ed1c24]| Theme Song |[/color] [url=]The Escapist - Nightwish [/url] ” Who's there knocking at my window? The owl and the Dead Boy This night whispers my name All the dying children Virgin snow beneath my feet Painting the world in white I tread the way Gonna lose myself into a tale.” [color=ed1c24]| Extra Information |[/color] [b][color=ed1c24]So I've read the rules ~~~ yay[/color][/b] [/hider]