[hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=0D6D83]Tom Fisher[/color][/b][/i][/h1][/center][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Infirmary[/center][hr][hr] Nodding his head, Tom let out something of a relieved sigh to hear that Silvia would be okay. He knew to trust Crisna's word, she knew what she was doing far better than anyone else in the tower, and she'd never failed to correctly guess how the outcome of a patients recovery would be. Chuckling at her comments, he nodded. [b][color=0D6D83]"I'll make sure they've got a crystal ready for her before the next ship comes in."[/color][/b] He made a mental note to put his team to help with the effort of doing so, he figured many of the crews would be busy helping repairs, so he'd give as much manpower as he could. Glancing back down to Silvia as Crisna moved around the table, he let out another relieved sigh. Silvia had already been putting in quite the effort for the people in their tower, an effort no one got under Tristan. She'd already managed to have quite the effect on morale, and he figured it'd have been a drastic loss already, if she had required moving off-world for treatment. Tom was immensely pleased to only be a T4, and even then, he didn't often use his own abilities. He could only imagine some of the stress that would have come with being a T1, he didn't envy her at all. Glancing over to Crisna as she spoke up again, he nodded as she motioned and followed her out of the room, listening quietly to her explanation. [b][color=0D6D83]"Well, the no ego will be a welcome change of pace, at least."[/color][/b] He shrugged his shoulders, glancing back into the room and watching Silvia for a moment as he continued to listen to Crisna. [b][color=0D6D83]"Well, if her and Tristan work different shifts, hopefully they shouldn't have to get too 'volatile' with each other, but thank you for the heads up."[/color][/b] He gave Crisna a nod, scratching at his chin as he shrugged at her next question. [b][color=0D6D83]"He's either in his room or he ran for it when the alarms went off. I suppose I should go find out."[/color][/b] He shrugged his shoulders, glancing back over to Silvia for a moment before turning back to Crisna. [b][color=0D6D83]"Keep me updated on her recovery, if you need help with anything, let me know."[/color][/b] He smiled, giving her a slight nod before turning to move off, heading back to the elevator and sending it up to Tristan's quarters.