Review in [color=SteelBlue]Blue[/color] [quote=@Renny] So I finally got the Jutsu worked out . . . I think. Anyway, take a look at it, roast me some more, and when I wake up tomorrow I'll get to work on revamping his personality a bit. [hider=Maema Nisshoku][center][color=orange][h1]Maema Nisshoku[/h1] [sub]“[i]I’am Maema the fearless. The dragon child of Kumo. Yada, yada, yada. [/i]”[/sub][/color][/center] [center][color=orange][h3]■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■[/h3][/color] [sub][img][/img] [hider=Full Body Veiw][img][/img][/hider][/sub] [color=orange][h3]■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■[/h3][/color][/center] [center][color=orange][h2][i]Personnel Files[/i][/h2] [sub]Accessible by personnel with a C3 security clearance or upwards.[/sub][/color][/center] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Name[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Maema Nisshoku[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Aliases[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i] Swordless one, Dragon child[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Age[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]17[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Rank[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Chūnin[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Affiliation[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Hamajo Confederation[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Sex[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Male[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Birthplace[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Kumo-province, Kumogakure[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Bloodline[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Nisshoku[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Sexuality[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Heterosexual, his current [url=]girlfriend[/url][color=SteelBlue]Couldn't be bothered to give her a name, bruh?[/color] is unhappy with his choices to align with Hamajo Confederation [color=SteelBlue]Why? Seems like a good option to me.[/color][/i][/indent][/indent] [center][color=orange][h3]■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■[/h3][/color][/center] [center][color=orange][h2][i]Appearance Descriptions[/i][/h2] [sub]As compiled on basis of the 11th corps intelligence gathering, including pictures[/sub][/color][/center] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Appearance[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i] Seventeen years have come and gone. Genetics, time, and training has honed him into a handsome looking male. Naturally Maema dons his clothing in hopes of being prepared for combat at any time [color=SteelBlue]Or, y'know, in hopes of notvbeing jailed for public indecency[/color]. He’s accustomed to wearing tshirts of varying colors underneath different types of outerwear (usually some form of gakuren). Darker hued trousers fall over his legs, while a deep blue sash ties around his waist. Unnaturally black haidate pieces--lined with gold--protects his thighs. Off-duty he’s more or less the same. He doesn’t feel the need to be fashionable so he can come off as rugged and simple. Either way he’s always wearing the same ankle-high, heavy-duty sandals. A optimal mixture between combat boots and ninjawear. A cherished item flows under both his sash and haidate [color=SteelBlue]his dick?[/color], a mantle of sorts colored crimson with gold fringes lining its edges[color=SteelBlue]Oh[/color]. While others were plowing in the fields of their farms Maema was being tortured by his father’s training methods. His face is in conflict with the roughcast of his body. Where lean, hard muscle are pressed tight between necessary fat and skin on his body; his face is kinda of long and elegant. The only fierce part to his face is the sharpness of his golden eyes, hidden behind his dull expression. Aforementioned his body is near-perfection. It's been honed for mobility and strength, to soak up and adapt to predictable disturbances on the battlefield. His sleek body looks unimpressive in clothing, however, beneath said clothes the muscles behind the skin are visible. Four highly developed abs fall into a flat stomach as if the rest were abandoned. The lower half of his legs are thin in appearance, making the top half seem bulky in comparison [color=SteelBlue]lollegdaylol[/color]. All in all, Maema could be seen as the typical ninja but atypical man.[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Height[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]5’9”/ 1.75m[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Weight[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]153lbs/69kg[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Build[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Maema is made up of lean muscle, his physique shows this rather well. His mass is dominant in his torso and arms, giving them a solid, [i]cut[/i] look. When compared to his arms, though covered with cloths and the sorts, his legs can seem kinda meek [color=SteelBlue]dey iz[/color]. He has a feral form to his gait, some call it wolven [color=SteelBlue]He walks on all fours? Stands in MvC Wolverine stance?[/color] Others call it innate confidence.[/i][/indent][/indent] [center][color=orange][h3]■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■[/h3][/color][/center] [center][color=orange][h2][i]Psych. reports[/i][/h2] [sub]Medical secrecy applies.[/sub][/color][/center] [center][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Fearless[/i][/b] ❖ [b] [i]Impulsive[/i][/b] ❖ [b] [i]Apathetic[/i][/b] ❖ [b] [i]Hopeful[/i][/b] ❖[/color][/center] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Personality[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Maema was taught at an early age that being a genius meant nothing in the face of three entities. Those three things were experience, numbers, and the unknown. He learned the value of being fearless days after finding his mother’s head on the porch. To step to the challenge without second-guessing yourself or those around you inspired a kind of fear and admiration [color=SteelBlue]I'd think that'd make him less inclined to, actually[/color]. That lesson didn’t take long to become concrete. The next one did. It was a lesson of analytical schooling, one that guided him well in deciding if he should approach a situation with reckless abandon or patience. He can go either way when lives aren’t on the line. When they are a preternatural impulsiveness springs to life. Maema wants to be a saviour; he’s seen the ruthless of the Hamajo Confederation, and has vowed to never just sit by again [color=SteelBlue]Instead, he wants to join in on the fun himself[/color]. This, unfortunately isn’t coupled with some disregard for his own life. Not in the slightest. He has taught himself to be apathetic to others, to toss aside a hopeless situation. That’s not something he’s proud of but his father was always a very grave man. Outside of the norm, outside of bloodshed and war; one might catch him smiling. Maybe even laughing but it's rare. His life has been undoubtedly hard. Growing up in Kumo-province taught a valuable lesson: not everyone is looked after by the Confederation. Because of this Maema could be consider a cynical youth. He looks at every situation with caution and finds most people, specifically those full of cheer, extremely annoying [color=SteelBlue]Bruh, haha[/color]. Despite being indifferent to most people, Maema has a hard time seeing others suffer. His father calls it “White Knight Syndrome” and says it has no place in the world of ninjas. Maema calls it saving himself. He sees it that way sometimes [color=SteelBlue]We're not checking your character count, man. Why is this line here?[/color]. When he was child he didn’t get along with others [color=SteelBlue]Of course not[/color]. In fact he hated them for rejecting him when he actually tried to be friends with them. Maema learns his social lessons quickly. He engraves them harshly into himself and makes sure not to make the same mistakes as before. If nothing else can be said about him, it's that he can hold horrifically long grudges [color=SteelBlue]Fair, I guess. At least he doesn't fly into a blind rage at the merest slight, amirite?[/color]. [/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]History[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i][b]Birthright[/b] The story goes that a wandering samurai found his true love in the middle of blood and tears. Supposedly he was renowned throughout the countries as the “The Pristine Dragon” a warrior whose blade struck true more times than not. A sellsword whose assistance and friends gave victory to those who hired him. His name was Yasu Nisshoku and he fell in love with a traveling philanthropist. She was not perfect but she inspired him to do things for the greater good. When Haruhi retired to Kumogakure, Yasu was behind her, hoping to settle down and build a family. Years afterwards they gave birth to a boy. They named him Maema in concert with the loose-theme of their own names. They took on Yasu’s family name: Nisshoku and almost instantly he was given the moniker “Dragon child” by Yasu friends and “Goddess’ son” by Haruhi’s friends and family. The boy’s youth was interrupted by the Hamajo Confederate taking over Kumogakure. The province changed for the worst afterwards. It became flooded with poverty and eventually, through some unknown process became a farming province. It was an ugly adjustment but Yasu and Haruhi did so without open complaints. For a time. [b]Decision[/b] While Maema was working the fields, training, and attending school; his mother was busy stirring up trouble. She didn’t agree with the Hamajo Confederation. She fought against it with political movements; playing on the different causes to start a small alliance behind her humanitarian rallying points. Yasu watched this behind the scenes, warning her to be careful. She thought she had been. She was secretive about her growing rebellion but that would prove useless against the Confederation’s resources. The last Maema would see of his mother was her body’s gruesome decapitation, her head tilted on their home’s porch. It was covered-up to be some Hamajo radical but Yasu had his own suspicions. He tempered his rage into productive action. When his comrades came back with information that suggested a Hamajo higher-up had quelled the Kumo-province uprising, it was then that Yasu thought to act. That was quickly snuffed out once he learned the merciless truth. That numerous, inconspicuous deaths that occurred only months after Haruhi’s own. It worsened when he lost all contact with a number of his friends. Afterwards Yasu was struck with depression. He redouble Maema’s training. From physical conditioning to an understanding of topography. There was a range of other studies that he was required to soak up but none of them were quite as effective as sparring and mental games. Years traversed faster than he thought and before long, Maema was a Chunin in the Hamajo Confederation. [/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Familial ties[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]Maema’s relationship with his father is strained. He greatly admires the man his father use to be [color=SteelBlue]Awww[/color]. The fun-loving, dramatic man that was a reluctant-hero. Nowadays the two of them greet each other in alien apathetic forms [color=SteelBlue]Like Young Thug or Desiigner[/color]. As if too much emotion could cause a catastrophe. Sometimes he resents his father for giving in to the pain. Yasu Nisshoku | Father | 34, Kumo-province, Yasu is a farmer who passes the time by wallowing in his own misery. Occasionally you can catch him practicing his unique, saw-sword swordsmanship outside of his home. [color=SteelBlue]Pops is a fair amount younger than I thought he'd be. The whole, "acclaimed wandering samurai" deal made me think he was in his twenties at least by the time he met Haruhi[/color][/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Dreams, short term goals, and fears.[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i]His childhood ended the day he stumbled upon his mother’s decapitated head. Since then he’s had no dreams, only goals. He wants to hurt the Hamajo Confederation [color=SteelBlue]By working fpr them. Unless he's trying to do some enemy within shit[/color] and wouldn’t mind returning his father’s smile in the process. He fears what the world may look like if the Hamajo Confederation went unchecked.[/i][/indent][/indent] [center][color=orange][h3]■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■[/h3][/color][/center] [center][color=orange][h2][i]Combat reports[/i][/h2] [sub]Gathered based on exercises, training routines, and combat experience reports[/sub][/color][/center] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Combat style[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][i][b]Maema attacks with unrelenting, self-perilously, and overkilling force. He utilizes his kekkei-tota in conjunction with his taijutsu, bojutsu, and limited ninjutsu to decimate all. When he can’t find those kinks he doggedly attacks until he’s weighed the opposition down to near nothing. The thing is, this dogged pursuit is counterproductive considering his kekkei-tota runs down his chakra reservoirs quickly. His legs have a weak constitution [color=SteelBlue]Skipping leg day is coming back to haunt ya boi[/color] allowing rather easy and effective damage to them. Another weakness is his supposed Kekkai Tota which he has a resistance to but is still affected by.[/b][/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [b] [i]Kekkei Genkai[/i][/b]--[/color] [indent][color=orange][i][b]❖ Name[/b][/i][/color] [indent] Suiginton (Mercury Release) [/indent] [color=orange][i][b]❖ Description[/b][/i][/color] [indent] Suiginton (Mercury Release) is more or less exactly what it sounds like. The control, creation, and manipulation of the silvery-white substance. The liquid metal is poisonous, causing severe damage to the senses, muscles, and nerves. Mostly producing tremors, physical weakness, and a cruel disorientation in most beings. Suiginton is a Kekkei Tota that combines Earth, Water, and Lightning chakra natures.[/indent] [color=orange][i][b]❖ Strengths[/b][/i][/color] [indent] Maema’s Suiginton kekkei tota comes in two forms: the luminous solid weapons and the noxious gas. Small applications of other metals from the earth can harden it into physical weapons [color=SteelBlue]I [i]guess[/i] I'll buy it[/color], such as spears, swords, and hammers. He can also transform the mercury into a gas by molding the chakra inside to do so. This could also happen if heat beyond 220 degrees celsius/428 degrees fahrenheit took hold of it. It takes a single exposure of the mercury gas for the tremors and nausea to take effect. A second dosage brings a gradual weakness in their muscles , along with peripheral blurring. The third round will result in a severe impairment and pain that could cripple the opponent. The fourth will result in death. [color=SteelBlue]Huehuehuehue. The four=death thing is pretty on-the-nose. Not sure how I feel about straight up auto-death in this case, but the poison buildup is kind of okay, I suppose.[/color][/indent] [color=orange][i][b]❖ Weaknesses[/b][/i][/color] [indent]Suiginton or Mercury release allows for versatility for both offense and defense. It gives Maema a certain assurance but can also make him over reliant on it. [color=SteelBlue]Considering it encompasses all of his relevant jutsu[/color] Unfortunately, mercury release is a liquid and can be diluted by Water Release jutsu. While extreme forces or wind-jutsus can blow it away rather easily making him expand more chakra. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [i][b]Ninja techniques[/b][/i][/color][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [i][b]Custom techniques[/b][/i][/color] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Name[/i][/color] Suiginton: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Mercury Release: Shadow Clone Jutsu)[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Rank[/i][/color] B[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Range[/i][/color] 3-5 meters[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Description[/i][/color] Unique to Maema’s Kekkei Tota this technique is used like most shadow clones are, however due to its nature this one is gravely more dangerous. It was inspired by Maema’s father. Like other shadow clones it can interact with the environment and [i]can[/i] perform its own techniques. The clones also soak up knowledge and sends it to the user once dispensed of. Once injured they both burst into mercury gas, giving them a dosage of the poison. [color=SteelBlue]One dose for each clone, or is each clone's cloud equivalent to half of a dose?[/color][/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Name[/i][/color] Suiginton: Yasu no ha (Mercury Release: Blade of Yasu)[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Rank[/i][/color] B[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Range[/i][/color] Close[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Description[/i][/color] Maema strings four hand seals together ending on the dragon seal. He then moves his hand to the empty scabbard on his side and brandishes a blade made of earthen elements and mercury. The insides of the scabbard gives the weapon its shape and intricate designs. The grass thin, blade is beautified by a thumb-sized circle near the base and a serpentine dragon flying towards it on the flat. When cut by the blade the opposition contracts mercury poisoning. Each cut can act as a small dosage to the opponent. A skin-deep cut can act as a single dosage, a muscle deep cut can act as two dosages. However a stab to an internal organ can act as three dosages. This blade is solidified with other minerals using earth chakra but the blade and point is lined with mercury. So to be honest, it can be destroyed with a blow strong enough to break iron [color=SteelBlue]In other words, it's a pretty terrible sword in the context of a world where people can self-buff or are just, y'know, ridiculous anime characters[/color].[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Name[/i][/color] Suiginton: Haruhi (Mercury Release: Haruhi)[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Rank[/i][/color] B[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Range[/i][/color] 2 meters around user[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Description[/i][/color] Maema wields the seal of confrontation towards his opponent. A second later he pulls chakra from his heart, pulled other earthen elements from the ground, and molds it into a mercury maiden. This woman is made mostly of iron and therefore is defense oriented [color=SteelBlue]I was half expecting her to be some kind of logia equivalent. If she's solid, she's a lot easier to deal with[/color]. Haruhi is quicker than Maema and sturdy, however her strength is Genin rank at best. She attacks only those that attack Maema directly, minimizing the usage of her chakra. She can mold her left arm into weapons for attacking. [/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Name[/i][/color] Suiginton: Gyakusatsu (Mercury Release: Massacre)[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Rank[/i][/color] C[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Range[/i][/color] Long[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Description[/i][/color] Maema molds an armory of weapons behind him, all of which is aimed towards his opponent(s) [color=SteelBlue]lolgateofbabylonlol[/color]. Once released they shoot out towards their target at break-neck speeds. Hardened to the density of a solid if impact is made the weapon can deal bone-breaking damage. On top of which mercury poison is dispensed through the body if cut or hit on an open wound. Some weapons that may appear are halberds, various types of blades, and lances. A skin-deep cut can act as a single dosage, a muscle deep cut can act as two dosages. However a stab to an internal organ can act as three dosages [color=SteelBlue]Same as Yasu blade. K. We'll see what [@Buddha] and [@Savato] have to say about the poison's progression. I'm a little out of it atm[/color]. Like most weapons these can be deflected by skilled individuals or dodged [color=SteelBlue]Yup[/color]. Extreme heat can smelt the iron infused mercury and powerful wind release jutsu can blow them away [color=SteelBlue]So, this is basically a projectile variant of Yasublade[/color]. [/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Name[/i][/color] Suiginton: Kohitsuji (Mercury Release: Lamb)[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Rank[/i][/color] C[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Range[/i][/color] 10 meters around[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Description[/i][/color] Maema forms 8 handsigns ending on the ram before releasing a hail, barrage, and frenzy of small mercury spheres. They are relatively weak impacting with D-rank damage but traveling at C-rank speeds. When they splash against an object the outer shell is broken and the mist inside spreads and joins together. This gathering take both a minute and a half to come together. Eventually a fog of mercury is made, endangering both himself with the lethal dosage and everyone inside. Maema the fearless welcomes the untimely death if it's for a worthy cause. [color=SteelBlue]I'm going to assume dispersal by use of wind is entirely possible[/color][/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Name[/i][/color] Suiginton: Kusari (Mercury Release: Chain)[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Rank[/i][/color] A[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Range[/i][/color] 5 meters[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Description[/i][/color] His main form of attack comes in the form of silverish-white tendrils with hand-shaped appendages at its end. They fly out from a mirror-source [color=SteelBlue]So, an actual mirror? Or just things with reflective surfaces? Dunno what this is supposed to mean[/color] behind him, usually without the necessity of weaving hand seals. They have a limit of fifteen feet from himself and strikes quick. The end and length of the tendril can be molded into pikes, hammers, or other weapons. A skin-deep cut can act as a single dosage, a muscle deep cut can act as two dosages. However a stab to an internal organ can act as three dosages. When exposed to its melting-point a noxious gas is released. Lingering inside the gas for a post delivers a single dosage. [/indent][/indent] [indent][color=orange]❖ [i][b]Weaponry and tools[/b][/i][/color] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Name[/i][/color] Dogma’s Disciple.[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Weapon/tool type[/i][/color] A elder wood, worn scabbard. Silver and golden dragons twist around each other on its frame.[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Range[/i][/color] Close[/indent] [indent][color=orange][i]■ Description[/i][/color] A scabbard. . . that’s all.[/indent][/indent][/hider] [/quote] Not too many complaints on my end on the non-combat stuff. My fellow GMs have covered that well enough. Overall, it's a lot of minor fixes from my perspective.