[quote=@Buddha] *sucks all the air out in a closed room* :lol [/quote] [img]http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/104/038/6bd.jpg[/img] [quote=@Rune_Alchemist] [@Renny] Oh, I understand. I won't get too crazy with it. At most, she's ever going to be using it to compliment her combat abilities as far as speed boosts and stuff goes no like, master Air Bender stuff here. At least, not until later. Much, much, later. Suppose I could have come up with a different fruit with a similar function, but I'm terrible with names and can't really think of another one to replace it with. Some sort of adrenaline boost thing or something? Suppose now that I think about it, having the fruit simply make her effectively as light as a feather could also work, but that ability alone seems rather limited. I am of course, open to ideas. [/quote] Welcomey First Mate to the best crew in the seas. As for a fruit, ya I'm at a lose. Took my days to come up with the ones I have. Maybe look on the Superpower wiki for ideas. Feather feather fruit maybe.