[hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XmL19WJ.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/J5oElW9.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/hfG1RcC.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DUKZZOP.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Z0PUDXg.png[/img] [IMG]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m355p70CoK1rovbxo.gif[/IMG] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Ejxuo4k.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Gia's Dorm [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Each other [sub]([@HushedWhispers])[/sub]; Gia texts: Mina, Lucas, Brenna [sub]([@Thundercrash][@Legion02][@smarty0114])[/sub] [COLOR=215435][B]Thoughtful → Worried → Upset → Angry → Arrogant[/b][/color] [color=#b53389][b]Aware → Suggestive → Disapproving → Exacerbated → Threatening → Done.[/b][/color] [/center][hr] [indent]Once Mitchell was done with his lunch, he emptied his trash in the nearby trash can and proceeded to walk out of the cafeteria. Mitch went to turn outside but his phone buzzed with the text he was waiting for. Of course, Gia was even a smart aleck through text message. With a slight eye roll, Mitch went up to her room and saw that she had left her door open, which he took it upon himself to walk right on in without a second thought. With her bottom planted on the ground and her legs widespread, Gianna reached for her feet as she looked down toward the floor. Mitch came strolling in and she kept to her stretch, not wanting to waste any of her dance class with warm ups. She needed an escape to clear her mind. Dancing was the one thing that brought her more happiness than anyone alive ever could. She listened carefully and silently. She was stretching and he raised a brow up. [color=215435][b]"Who are you about to fight?"[/b][/color] Mitch asked while waving his hand towards her and taking it upon himself to sit on her bed. [color=215435][b]"So, you know Samantha is sort of hell bent on getting you back right?"[/b][/color] He offered the information to Gia then didn't even give her time to reply as he continued. [color=215435][b]"I know, it sounds silly but you didn't see her like I did."[/b][/color] When he offered information to her, she slowly brought her body up to look at him sitting on her bed. Sighing to herself, Gia picked herself up and leaned against her desk. Her stare was warm and serene, but her expression was stoic. While looking at her, Mitch stated, [color=215435][b]"Look, I just want you to be careful."[/b][/color] He said while getting up from the bed, standing in front of her and placing his hands upon her shoulders, looking into her eyes now. He truly wanted Gia to be careful because she hasn't seen the look in Sam's eyes that he saw this morning. In other words, Gia was truly fucked. "[color=#b53389]Your heart will get you killed one day, Mitch.[/color]" Her arms were crossed as she looked into his eyes and shook her head in apology from her instant retort, "[color=#b53389]Thank you for telling me, but I kind of figured last night would lead to this.[/color]" Tilting her head, her gaze never leaving his, she whispered, "[color=#b53389]And other things.[/color]" Pulling away from his grasp, she shrugged, "[color=#b53389]I'm prime target now, sweetheart. You might want to be careful yourself. You and I are viewed as the leading figures of our school and now the majority of the student body fear me or want to end me.[/color]" Her brown orbs grew distant and fear that should be written on her face was nowhere to be found, "[color=#b53389]I'm sure there are even villains that don't trust me anymore. I'm more worried about those quiet players in this unconventional chess game than Sam. Of course, I do look forward to her breaking me, don't you?[/color]" Mitch listened to Gia's words and eyed her with a brow raised. Mitch was still standing when she had managed to pull herself from his grasp as he continued to look at her. [color=215435][b]"So wait, you wanted this to happen or something? I think it's a bad idea, Gia. As you just said, we're leading figures of our school and yeah, maybe we're villains but don't you think that we can solve this without an all out war?"[/b][/color] Mitch asked while looking at her again, his eyes were fixated on every action she did. Stepping back to get her water bottle, she took a moment to give herself a drink. Taking a deep breath in, obviously showing she did have a lot on her mind and that she was only human, Gia suggested, "[color=#b53389]We're in a dog eat dog world, I don't think we have a choice. It's either we eat or get eaten. Here's your chance to make a difference. No, I don't mean saving me - I have enough people wanting to do that already.[/color]" She rolled her eyes at the incident with Elijah last night before continuing, "[color=#b53389]But you have power beyond any of us. You are more law than you think, you just need to gain the respect you deserve.[/color]" Thinking about her cruel words to him the previous night, she decided to compliment him in her weird Gia way, "[color=#b53389]Your heart is good, Mitch.[/color]" Placing her water bottle back down, her phone beeped a few times but she ignored it because this conversation was far more important than responding to whomever, "[color=#b53389]I'm saying this because I care, don't choose a side. Be your own force. Become a player. Being a player doesn't mean to stoop at mine, or Sam's level. I have my reasons, but that's as far as I will go with explaining myself.[/color]" Mitch knew Gia all to well, or at least well enough. Hearing her words, Mitch stood there with a thought for a moment. She really had a way with words and it made him think even more than ever now. Mitch was really his own person but usually played both sides of the coin often. Though this time, he really did want Gia and Sam to settle matters that didn't end with the two schools hating each other, again. Mitch knew that if he could somehow manage to get Gia and Sam to sit down and talk things out, without using compulsion, everything would be perfect but that was easier said that done. Plus, he didn't have the strength to deal with all of that right now. [color=215435][b]"Be a player? This isn't a game, Gia!"[/b][/color] His voice raised as anyone that would be within distance of Gia's room would've heard him. [color=215435][b]"My heart is good, which is why I really want to make this right between you two. Don't you get it?"[/b][/color] Mitch muttered while standing a little bit closer to her and penetrating her with his stare. Grabbing her loose midriff tank hanging off her desk chair, she threw it over her until it covered her sport's bra, "[color=#b53389]This would happen regardless of what I did or not. I just sped up the process. No one is a bystander anymore. We will get used, abused, back-stabbed, and betrayed. That's just what happens when you throw individuals that are believed to be black and white under the same roof.[/color]" Approaching him once more, she mirrored his kindness and placed her hands gently on his shoudlers, "[color=#b53389]You have things worth protecting, don't you? Don't cut yourself short. You are an ant, but so is everyone else, including me.[/color]" After she felt satisfied for all the food for thought she gave someone she didn't necessarily consider as an ally or an enemy, Gia pulled away once more and chuckled at a silly notion that popped in her hand, "[color=#b53389]Don't you love how everyone forgot about the fire? The one incident that made the dominoes fall in the first place.[/color]" Reaching for her gym bag, her water bottle, and her phone, she muttered, "[color=#b53389]People are... something.[/color]" Mitch looked at Gia as she got dressed right before his very eyes - not surprising, since her actions were to display her 'I don't care' attitude. Her words made it seemed like she wanted everything to happen, like this entire time she was planning this, and he couldn't believe it. Well, he could but chose not to within this moment. His eyes watched as she came up to him, returning his gesture from earlier with her own. She was right. There were some things and even some people that were worth protecting, Gia being one of them but she was [i]clearly[/i] missing the big picture. [color=215435][b]"You're right. I do have some things worth protecting and I see you as one of those things. Well, not a thing but you know what I mean. Your heart is good too, Gia. Somewhere very deep, deep down inside I know there is good within you and not some mean girl bitch that you're portraying."[/b][/color] Mitch spoke honestly towards her before she gathered her belongings and mentioned the fire. Gia had a way to find that certain spark, or switch within a person and turn it on or off whenever she pleased, but Mitch was about to counteract with a little method of his own. Why did everyone want to protect her or save her? Gia growled internally. She was damned the moment she came into this sorry ass world and now everyone actually cares because she's bringing hell to the school grounds. [color=215435][b]"It's funny that you should mention the fire."[/b][/color] Mitch said while going over to stand beside her. Calmly turning his head toward her, he muttered, [color=215435][b]"Because what would Late say about your recent actions? Think he'll be pleased?"[/b][/color] In this instant, Mitch was done holding back his words with Gia. [color=215435][b]"Is his death the reason you've became so black and cold? I want you to think about that before you respond. You use to be so bubbly, a little too friendly and kind to everyone. But now, I don't even know this person that stands before me today. Thought I did but [i]clearly[/i], I do not."[/b][/color] Mitch let his words ring throughout her head for a lingering moment while waiting for her to respond. Her mouth went slightly ajar and her gaze met the floor. The emotional wound was still vulnerable from her encounter last night. Her hands clenched. This intervention thing was getting old. People talk about Vince like they knew him like she did. People bring up a dead man yet don't think about why he died. What the fuck was wrong with people?! All she could let out was a light mutter behind gritted teeth, "[color=#b53389]Don't start this right now...[/color]" Mitch didn't understand. He would never understand. Nor would Elijah or any goddamn person who thought they cared about her. If they cared about her... why wouldn't they just shut the fuck up and leave her alone? Mitch knew this was a dangerous can of worms but it just had to be said. His gaze narrowed away from Gia. He took the next seconds to walk, close the door, and return to her side. [color=215435][b]"No, Gia. Little Miss World Domination, let's address this now. You know what Late would say and you know how he'd react but you just won't admit it out loud. Am I right or wrong?"[/b][/color] Trying to calm her nerves, her breathing unsteadily stabilizing, Gia lowly continued in her red wine voice, "[color=#b53389]Out of everyone, you should be the most angry. They destroyed your dad's legacy and took innocent people with it.[/color]" Glancing up at him, she glared, "[color=#b53389]This isn't a fucking joke, Mitch.[/color]" His eyes rolled when Gia mentioned how he should feel. Pointing to himself, he retorted, [color=215435][b]"Don't try to turn this onto me. This is about you. You always do that."[/b][/color] Mitch said as he faced her and made sure he was inches away. If Gia thought she was the only person that could get underneath someone's skin, she was sadly mistaken. Mitch had his own way with words but kept his cool and remained quiet most of the time. Not anymore. [color=215435][b]"My dad's legacy has not been destroyed. His legacy remains intact and yeah, we lost some innocent people but they were weak if they couldn't make out. Yeah, Late was weak too."[/b][/color] Mitch knew he had taken it too far with that last comment but this was Gia so she kind of deserved it. [color=215435][b]"I know this isn't a joke! That's what I am trying to get you to understand. You seem to walk around here with your head held high but you know the truth as it's burning inside of you every second, isn't it?"[/b][/color] Inhaling in and exhaling out, Mitch calmed his breathing at the time that he turned his body away and rested his hands upon his hips. Something clicked into Mitch's head that Gia had said earlier. He could've sworn he heard her say something about 'they'. Who the hell were 'they'? Panting from all the screaming words that had just seeped from his mouth, Mitch darted his gaze back at her. Before asking about 'they', he was willing to give Gia a chance to respond. "[color=#b53389]Saving people means Vince is fucking weak? So you agree all heroes are weak then right? You bastard.[/color]" The bitterness was seeping out of her lips and her body was shaking uncontrollably. "[color=#b53389]You know what, why are you even trying? If I wasn't a big deal, you wouldn't be here.[/color]" She went up to him, anger, fire, torn emotions, and pain, pain beyond belief, in her eyes. She felt sick, sick of everyone trying to change her course of actions, sick of these damn schools, sick of people not knowing what it meant to be a goddamn villain and a goddamn hero. If they wanted a monster, they were creating one. That's for sure. "[color=#b53389]If you don't know what's good for you, you better leave. I'm not going to explain myself to someone who thinks peace is easily attained by holding hands and acting like we all care about one another. Get out or you will regret it.[/color]" Gia wasn't going to hold back if Mitch continued. Two people that could effect the mind only meant a disaster. As if she was holding a gun, she was ready to pull the trigger. Her pheromones were dancing in the entire room, encircling him like a hungry animal ready to attack and her ghostly wings shot out of her back much larger than last night. She would tear Mitch apart if he didn't back the fuck up. Her pheromones left a path to the door but if he made any sudden movement to enter her mind, that was the end of their friendship. Actually, no, their friendship ended when he tried to change her. Mitch eyed Gia as she went back to speaking. In his mind, he wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up as he had already destroyed her but it's likely that she'd want to get the last word out. Mitch wasn't going to give her that satisfaction. He let her ramble on and on as she tried to take herself out of the equation. Folding his arms over his chest, a smirk formed among his facial features, basking in his glory moment. [color=215435][b]"You know what, Gia, you are truly something. You just can't stop avoiding the matter and making this all about you. Stop trying to change the subject every fucking time!"[/b][/color] Mitch yelled, fed up with her unyielding stupidity. When she threatened him to leave or else, he simply gave her an eye roll. Gia didn't really need to use her ability for him to leave as her comment was enough to do just that. Mitch nonchalantly walked over towards the door and turned to see Gia sprouting her wings much larger than before as he knew that he had indeed gotten underneath her skin. With a smirk, Mitch turned his head to look at Gia. [color=215435][b]"I believe this is Mitch one, Gia zero."[/b][/color] He muttered while doing the one motion in the air for emphasis as he finally left her room, allowing the door to close behind him. However, Mitch immediately pushed it open again and peeked his head in. [color=215435][b]"Oh, did you want me to close the door so that you can sit here and sulk now?"[/b][/color] Mitch snickered while waving his hand towards her. [color=215435][b]"Never mind, I'll close it anyways. Toodles."[/b][/color] Mitch taunted as he closed Gia's door. Once the door was completely shut, he did a little victory dance, making sure no one was watching before he straightened up and walked away. [color=#b53389][i]Oh sweetie. The war isn't over. It just begun.[/i][/color] Not caring about calming herself down anymore, she simply let her wings go back in her body and opened her phone. Her brown orbs quickly read over all her texts. With no hesitation, she replied to Minako, but also sent a message to the two people she trusted the most. [quote][center][b]To: [color=8e45c5]My Pup[/color], [color=powderblue]The Gorg Apprentice[/color] [color=#b53389]Woods. Now.[/color][/b][/center][/quote] Both Lucas and Brenna would know where to find her. They had a couple of spots around campus where they met up. There was an [url=http://m0.i.pbase.com/u41/kstuebin/upload/26923990.P3149916copy.jpg]abandoned shack[/url] a mile or so away from the hiking trail in the woods that people forgotten about. There she would wait for them. Whenever she requested her close peers to go into the woods, it usually was big news that may or may not be good. In this case, she would like to think it was both. [quote][center][b]To: [color=ffb7c5]Fresh Meat[/color] [color=#b53389]Cancelled. Busy.[/color] [/b][/center][/quote] She didn't even bother telling her if Lucas was fine or not because it was none of her concern. With that, she dropped her bag on her bed and went for a 'jog'.[/indent]