They came to me and described themselves as someone who is happy to please their parner, and that she's used to people telling her: "I don't wanna roleplay with you. Kbye Felicia." [Center][H3][u][b]My Character[/b][/u][/H3][/center] [b]Younghood[/b] [list] [*] Was a chubby guy with boring sense of fashion. [*] Overshadowed by his bestfriend who's the campus crush. [*] Learned guitar because it's practical. [/list] [b]Adulthood[/b] [list] [*] Pestered by sister to start grooming. [*] Picked up piano (and a bkt of violin) because of musician parents. [*] Became more outgoing, and fancied by people. [/list] [b]Currently[/b] [list] [*] Scouted by talent agent. [*] Had modest success for ten years. [*] On hiatus. Holiday in hometown. [/list] My OC name: Vincent [Center][H3][u][b]Their Character[/b][/u][/H3][/center] [b]Younghood[/b] [list] [*] Winner of singing pageant. [*] Played soccer/football. Won several MVP awards. [*] Worked part time to pay for mom's medical fees. [*] Mother died of lung cancer which affected her lymph. Now just her and dad. [/list] [b]Adulthood[/b] [list] [*] Ostracised for being underdeveloped physically. Has absolutely no friends except for campus crush. [*] Took double credits for Digital Marketing. Graduated honourably. [*] Hates her dad for not doing more to save mom. [/list] [b]Currently[/b] [list] [*] Decided to work as karaoke singer to please dad. [*] Is "beautiful". [/list] Their OC name: Raven [hr][hr] I told them I felt that their character is "a bit of a Sue" and listed reasons on where I felt so. (Symbolic given name. Good at everything they do. Explicitly described as beautiful. Dramatic backstory. Ostracised by [i]everyone[/i] for a trivial reason.) I cringed at how polite I tried to be. With "I'm very sorry for coming off as boorish", "I apologise if it hurt your feelings", "I understand if you're embarrassed by my remark", etc. I asked if they were bullied in adolescent years for being thin and expressed condolences if yes. I also said that my request is partially to lighten up the mood because I mentioned in my search that I'm looking for something fun. Their response: "I can't write positive characters because I don't have the environment to work with. Yes, I was made fun of for being anorexic. But such is life. As I am a stubborn woman, I will not change my character. I see you think I'm not worthy of your exceptional idea. Sorry to waste your time when we could have just started. Cheers!" No lady, you were fine until you became a [b][i]passive aggressive[/i][/b] dumbass who takes it personally because your Mary effing Sue is an idealised self-insert. God, don't roleplay. Just write a journal of fantasies in your head, or play a visual novel. [b]Fun fact:[/b] She's 25.