Branded- In a world consumed by fear and a sick sense of justice, we "criminals" aren't thrown in jail anymore. No. We are pushed outside the walls of our communities and shunned by most societies that still exist. Why you may ask. They can't be bothered to "waste" their resources taking care of us "Filth". We are branded so that our perceived infractions are on display if we try to enter any middle or high class town, so they can keep us out. Even most lower class slums will keep us from entering us, some even targeting us because we're no longer protected by law. But recently there have been rumours of a haven for people like us, Us Branded. However it's also said to be across the endless plains. And on foot it'll certainly seem like it is endless, but we aren't going to be allowed to just march into any old town or city and buy a car or anything. Will you take advantage of your new status as Branded and just take from those who have done you wrong? Or perhaps you will begin the long journey to this supposed Safe Haven for people like us? This is a Dystopian Post Apocalyptic world set in 2062, even though progress has stagnated since 2048 when Society as we know it broke down and reorganised into City States which worked together despite being independent, not unlike Ancient Greece. Each has their own laws, most have very similar laws. But with supplies and resources as low as they are, they can't simply contain prisoners and so Criminals are branded based on the crime(s) committed. They are forced out of their homes and jobs for their alleged crimes, whether or not they actually committed them. This means you're character could be branded for a crime and be innocent of it. Examples of some common brands would be Thief and Murderer. If your character is from an overly religious city state they may even have a Heretic brand. While there is no true plot yet, I wanted to at least get the idea out there. Get some feedback, possibly gets some people who are willing to help me flesh this out some more. A character sheet will be up in the next few hours.