[i](Yes, we have an RP up and need a very specific role filled.)[/i] [b]Seeking:[/b] Heir to a throne, human (well, mostly?) female and of questionable parentage on one side. Traditionally bastards only tend to inherit if they are capable and have an army at their back. Character would be essentially employing a mercenary company in a fantasy campaign plot. Would have great strategic control over the plot. The mercenary company is powerful, ruthless and dangerous in the field. Its troops are tough, aggressive and ready to fight all comers. There, of course, is a catch. That mercenary company is [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/135182-nar-mat-kordh-ishi-the-orcish-company/ooc]Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi[/url].