[@KillBox] [b][center][color=82ca9d]Lyra[/color][/center][/b] [center][img]http://static.tumblr.com/fjnnurp/nLPm4pvhd/tumblr_m4hqqobzkz1qmlkrvo1_500.gif[/img][/center] Lyra heard the voice speaking to her. One of the Hyland sons! Startled she looked up at him, revealing the mark on her face and her dischevled appearance, before quickly looking down again. [color=82ca9d]"Forgive me Lord Hyland. I was clumsy and fell. I shall not be late again, I swear your lordship."[/color] In truth it wasn't the sons that scared her. It was their fierce mother. And while Lady Hyland had never been cruel to her, Lyra was not about to give her a reason to be. [color=82ca9d]"I wish you good luck in the tournament Lord Hyland,"[/color] she added quietly, blushing a bit as she did when she addressed one of the Hyland sons. It was no secret that the lads were a handsome lot. The ladies of the court would most likely be drooling over them the moment they stepped inside. She wondered how quickly the fights would start for a chance in their beds. Once the family started conversing with the royals Lyra quickly went silent and kept a respectable distance, close enough for everyone to tell she was a servant of the Hylands but far enough away as was expected of her station. She heard the murmurs of the different people in the court and heard the rustle of the expensive gowns. Lyra longed to gaze at the exotic ladies in their gorgeous gowns and breathtakingly beautiful jewels, but her willpower was strong. A servant kept her face down unless addressed. She couldn't resist getting a peek at the princess, who was indeed a beauty that the stories had claimed she was. Lyra wondered what her life must be like, never having to worry, catered to, waited on hand and foot... It was a life Lyra could never begin to imagine or understand.