[quote=@Kibaro] HUHAHAHAAAH! JOKE'S ON YOU! Trying to get what you want made you forget to wish, now, you lost your chance! >:) i wish i could land safely from my flying curse xD [/quote] HAHAH! TRIPLE FOOL, YOU HAVE ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD! Your wish is granted but because you didn't specify on what land you wanted to land, so you forever sink into the Earth until you hit the molten core of the Earth and die. [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/2/2d/GIF-Light-Yagami-s-Evil-Laugh-Death-Note-anime-35890756-320-180.gif/revision/latest?cb=20140226215951[/img] I wish for rapture to occur, and Sexy Jesus to send my soul to Gay Hell.