[quote=Durnehviir] If you hold your hand over a fire, whether it be over a candle or a stove, you will develop second degree burns. Fire is fire. If its even hotter than your common day Fire Ninjutsu, which will severely burn you upon contact, it's fair to assume that they will be able to greatly burn you. I don't think it's necessary to elaborate on something that, albeit stated vaguely, is self exclamatory. It's like saying "It's very hot" and you needing an exact temperature. If you had that exact temperature it wouldn't' change anything. It'd still be really hot. Don't ask for unnecessary details when offering critique in an application. If you wouldn't give those details yourself then it is unwise to ask for them. [/quote] Except, I would give details of how much damage a technique would typically do, if it is a technique that has a set amount of damage (on average). So that kind of gets rid of that argument. Sorry you consider it an "unnecessary detail," but I do not and thus I will ask for clarification if something of that nature is not specified. My reasoning behind it is not one dimensional either, because the more vague you have something written, the more room that the player gets to bend the rules through clever word play or the like. No I don't assume that everyone does that, nor is it true that they do, but it is better to be safe then sorry. Idk if you noticed, but I put a lot of effort into my characters so that, even if misunderstood, pretty much all the information is there and isn't just "inferred" or made vague unless a technique is intentionally broad. [B]Boru Nagimari:[/B] The edits seem fine, however, I believed acceptance would be pending to Ouro's wishes. I'll check in with him when he gets on and get back to you. [B]Aizen Shimura:[/B] Denied. You have too many powerful techniques. I understand that he's a kage, but the rank and sheer amount of techniques, not to mention the combinations between them and their general effectiveness. Then add to the fact that he has Dust release which is already incredibly powerful and difficult to balance...oh and you modified it so he can not only manipulate molecules, but reconstruct things, rather than just destroy them like the canon Dust release can. No...no no no. If you want acceptance/another review, you'll have to ask Ouro because I'm not even sure where to [I]start[/I] in the interest of balancing this character.