"Oh ya, no problem Ash, it can be a bit confusing when you first get here," Gabe made his way out the door and downstairs to the cafeteria. "I mean, I would think, I've been here as long as I can remember." Sometimes Gabe tried to remember his life before, but nothing ever really came to him, "so what are you here for anyways? They say I've got bipolar disorder, but my meds keep me from going too crazy." Shortly after his answer they made it to the cafeteria, "so here we are, not much but the food is alright." Gabe grabbed a tray and started picking his usual breakfast, "they got cereal, fruit, eggs, muffins, enough to keep you happy." Looking around, it seemed they were the last ones to get there for breakfast. "I'll introduce you to the others throughout the day, we can start with Soren, he's all alone right now." After waiting a sec for Ash to get his food Gabe went over and sat across from Soren. "Heya Soren, how's things?" Gabe had a bit of his orange before continuing, "we've got someone new on the floor, my new roomie, say hi to Ash." [@Midnight Howl] [@Mega Birb]