Fanilly blinked as she stared at the apple in her hand, before quietly stowing it away in a pouch on her hip. There was no reason not to accept a fresh-seeming apple, after all, was there? She gave a nod to the hundi as he explained his positioning. Staying close as a defensive wall for the upcoming charge made sense given his equipment. She'd never seen anyone wield paired tower shields before, it was something quite unique to the small blonde girl. "Thank you, Sir Ian." With that, she continued to guide her division through the forest. The plan of attack as simple. The archers were in back, the shield-bearers were in front. The other combatants, including herself, were between. The archers would fire a volley into the camp The woods were slow going. And yet, Fanilly could see the light of a roaring bonfire ahead... and soon, make out the shapes of tents. There were dozens of men and women, perhaps hundreds, all talking to one another, preparing their weapons, cleaning off... bloodied equipment... the sign of their last raid. Anger burned lightly in her heart. That was the blood of Thaln's soldiers and citizens. These bandits, they did not deserve to suffer. No-one [i]did[/i]. But they would die all the same. For their terrible crimes against the innocent. A tall wooden seat stood in the camp, vacant. Fanilly could not be certain, but she could guess that was the seat normally occupied by the Bandit King himself. And yet, the huge man was no-where to be seen. Reports indicated he would be hard to miss, to say the least. An enormous, barechested man, wielding a truly massive sword. At least Fanilly had seen such weapons before, so that was no surprise. It was hard to be surprised by such a thing after seeing Sir Tyaethe's equipment. She looked back towards the archers. "Take aim..." she began. The archers raised their bows, adjusting their positioning to make it count. She turned back to the shield-bearers. "Ready yourselves." A line of shields raised. Fanilly raised her hand. "Loose arrows!" There was a chorus of 'twang' sounds as each archer fired. The arrows arced through the air, and several could be easily seen piercing multiple bandits, bodies falling in the camp. The shocked criminals grabbed weapons and drew them, looking around in a panic. "CHARGE!" The shielded knights charged. Fanilly followed. The bandits were already softened, stunned and frightened, by the initial volley of arrows. The charge of armored knights that followed left many of them in a terrified shock. The attack on the camp had begun.