[hr][hr][center][h2][color=mediumvioletred]Floure Camlo[/color][/h2][/center][hr][hr] Floure had been watching the situation unfold on the sidelines with a worried look on her face. The feeling she had had earlier returned and she knew something terrible would probably happen again. The appearance of the specter was the herald of disaster. The first time the spirit had appeared none of them had been able to see her aside from Emmett. Now she was visible to them all and it looked like it tried to warn the group of impending danger. The young Traveler watched with fear in her eyes as a group of robed and masked assassins crawled out of the shadows. They drew their sharpened blades, ready to attack. The Whispering Badlands were a dangerous place, that was what everyone had told her. Yet so far the only danger they encountered was the blazing sun and the poisonous desert scorpions and snakes. After a week of relative safety Floure had nearly forgotten the sands of the desert hid a lot more than just a bunch of venomous animals. She had a mission to accomplish and if they had to fight for their lives she was going down fighting. She tried not to let herself be paralyzed by fear. The thought of a group of trained killers were out to attack them scared her obviously, she would be stupid not to be. Yet it also summoned within her a will to survive, to fight back. Floure attempted to pin point the location of the rest of the group with what little light they had. She noticed she was closest to Grace and immediately rushed over to the red headed woman, lifting her skirts as she ran over the black sands. [color=Mediumvioletred]"Grace...."[/color] She swallowed back a lump in her throat, caused by her fear of the impending battle. Adrenaline was rushing through her petite frame while she retrieved the knife she kept nearly hidden underneath her skirts. It was attached to a garter she always wore around her left thigh. Floure looked at Grace, a mixture of fear and determination swirling in her pale eyes. She nodded and turned her gaze towards their attackers.