[h3][color=6bbedf]Karaha the Umbreon[/color][/h3][b][Folio's Trunk - Town Path F7][/b] [@Light Lord][@Shiny Keldeo][@Lucius Cypher] [color=6bbedf]"....Since you are not quite aware, I'll inform you about the so-called deity who resides at the base of the trunk; Xicu the Manifest. To those who live in the depths of the trunk, she is an object of worship in addition to being their leader. She is, in fact, much like our own Sibyl, in that she can see into the future."[/color] Padding onward, the blue-ringed Umbreon looked around the immediate area, seeing not much in the way of threats. Even for this particular path, it was unusually quiet. Worry furrowed his brow. [color=6bbedf]"Xicu's voice is said to be beautiful; so beautiful, many claim that she must be immortal, or perhaps a reincarnation of a god. There are many speculations, in fact, but I doubt there is any truth to these words."[/color] His amber eyes focused on Gren, [color=6bbedf]"...Regardless, those in the trunk believe that their leader is in fact a deity, and that makes them very, very dangerous. They believe in her. They believe what they are doing—what she tells them to do—is the decree of a goddess."[/color] Hanging his head, a soft sigh escaped his maw. [color=6bbedf]"Once upon a time, when I was much younger, Xicu lived in Folio, proper. It was said she was rescued from the depths of the trunk by an adventurer. However, she fled after a few years. I cannot say I know why. Regardless, she is highly dangerous."[/color] Gaze shifting to Letho, he considered the Sableye's words. [color=6bbedf]"Are you certain you wish to go that far? As Fuse mentioned, after BF8, it becomes incredibly dangerous. Xicu's most loyal adherents reside in those depths..."[/color] [h3][color=29afdd]Lilisette the Kirlia[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Glyph's Guild] [/b] [@Light Lord][@Shiny Keldeo] Letting out a pfft, Lilisette rolled her eyes at Devon's taunt-threat. [color=29afdd]"I bet your Water Gun feels like a tiny sprinkle! You can use me as practice, sure. I need a bath anyway."[/color] Flashing him a wink, she gave him an 'after you' gesture. [color=29afdd]"Since your sense of direction's so good, I bet you can find him in five minutes flat, yeah?"[/color] Waving a hand to Glyph, she shouted, [color=29afdd]"Give Mr. Robel my regards! Hope he feels better!"[/color]