[h2]Dirk Messir[/h2] Dirk figured something had gone rather wrong the moment the explosive guy did his fall-over-catch-lunge thing. The man promptly declared his intent to kill Dirk, and began taking rapid swipes at the ex-slave which, if not avoided, could easily result in lost limbs. Clearly, though, the guy didn't understand the extent of Dirk's full power: with a muttered 'Paper Art', Dirk's body folded away from each attack, every so often moving to parry with his weapon hand too - though the effectiveness of this parrying was something akin to blocking a bullet with a piece of wood, as every pass visibly bent the cutlass, nearly damaging it but for well-timed twists to actually deflect the opponent's blade away from Dirk himself. The apparent moment of insanity passed, however, once most of the other crew members began to help defend Dirk. A nice reminder of how much they actually cared about Dirk, despite his apparent lack of usefulness. And then the insanity came back with a prolonged rant about how great he apparently was, and how he was the only person who could help protect them from Vice Admirals and Admirals and such, and at some point during it, Dirk decided that he really didn't like the guy at all. He frowned, staring intensely at the guy with his head tilted, and eventually came to a decision about what to say, stepping forward to retrieve the other cutlass and replacing them both in his coat. 'Don't threaten us. Then I'm willing to let you train me.' [@Renny][@LokiLeo789][@dragonmancer][@JmerlRobot]