The concealed attack of the front guard was highly effective, so effective in fact that it had a high potential of catching the two off-guard. The unleashed arrows found their targets with a mere second between them, Trear's piercing the right eye of the half-orc and Ashkar's sticking into the abdomen of the woman who had just begun to point their finger at something... The half-orc didn't even react but simply stumbled down while the other one took a few panicked breaths before hitting the ground. The kobolds were perfectly aware of what was going on. They would be walking into an ambush of sorts if they continued on this path and there were at least two shooters. The telltale sound of a bow firing an arrow had come from over there on the right so as long as they'd choose the other way they could still get away. The nodded to each other and took off, with the one a little further back stopping for a mere half-second to pry the newly found prize from the half-orcs fingers before rushing to reach their partner. They didn't seem too interested to be involved any further. This left Trear and Ashkar in the bushes next to the side road with Parum, Orchid and the villagers following behind, both barely seeing the commotion that had gone past so swiftly. The family they had in tow had decided to lag behind for a moment as to not show their position, but Linan was now slowly approaching the two with a look on her face that could be interpreted as: "Can we go yet?"