Name: depends on who you ask, to her forces she's simply known as the second mother, to the forces of those she's slain, while they were still fighting her, she was often called the herald of the reaper Age: unknown Appearance: Humanoid as a base with her face lacking most features outside of a pair of humanoid-appearing eyes enshrouded via psionic light. Her skin is an earthy brown with greys mixed in towards then ends of her appendages, sword like structures protruding from her forarms which function both as natural weaponry and the process through which she lays her eggs. Powers: Immense psionic capabilities: While her psionic domination doesn't extend too far past her swarm, her telekinesis and other such psioncs still very much function as a method of combating things that manage to make it past her forces Brood Matriarch: While i've elluded to the capability of hers to be able to construct her forces out of raw biomass in previous posts and while that is the most often used method, her prefered method is to lay eggs in living, captured hosts which is the slower of the two methods. Genetic tampering: while not often done to those outside her brood, she can alter the genetics of living creatures, essentially rebirthing them with new abilities needed for tasks at hand rather than having to make entirely new strains of creatures. Will of those that came before: while Queens can be simply killed, The next one will have the memories of the previous from birth and thus, with each life, will be able to learn from her matriarchs' failures Weaknesses: Squishy: while quite powerful offensively as a person (within reason) that power has an excessively limited range and her defensive capabilities are that of the average human and since she can't give herself defensive capabilities without killing and restarting her life functions, that's not going to change any time soon. Cookie cutter: while her forces are quite modifiable, there are little if any specialized strains beyond general use, meaning that instead of having a breed specifically designed for spying on this specific type of people, she just adjusts the capabilities of a few of her spy strain while still sticking to the basic formula, and while this is good for mass production, this also means that her army can lack variance in niche situations Distrusting: due to previous happenings in her life, she is distrustful of all humans and wouldn't trust anyone to tie their shoes let alone help her, leaving her often times without allies. Small portals: while her forces can generate more than one, they're still rather small so it takes time for large forces of troops to move from one area to the next, often times requiring scouting forces to have already begun an outpost before anything resembling an army can appear Bio: While I normally don't write these, because she'll never tell anyone I'll write down the general gist of her back story. Karen strough was originally a normal human civillian entrenched in a world wide civil war and after a particularly nasty bombing run by the governmental forces, the only thing remaining of her family and previous life was a small field of rubble. Of course after these happenings she simply could not stand by and let this sort of blood shed continue so she joined on and fought as probably the most effective rebel leader in her time, yet when paired up against a near multiplaneteray empire, one little rebel girl is just not enough. On the day of her capture she was given over to the research and development team to be experimented on to death rather than outright executed, the worst fate that could befall anyone of the empire. After the years of non stop genetic tampering, she eventually died and was reawoken as the embryo of the queen and proceeded to slaughter the staff that had been responsible for her torture, implanting the survivors with the first of her generals and breaking the remainder down into the first of her soldiers, swiftly spreading across the entire globe until, finally, she was brought down again by one of the rebel snipers she'd called friend so long ago. It was at this time the second queen of the swarm awoke, her mother's memories passed down to her and used as fuel to spread her swarm across the system, to become the dominant species while humans were wiped out to the last, and now, with the first queen's revenge finally meted out, the second queen is able to finally to begin her own conquests. Theme Song: still searching