Tyaethe started off walking sedately towards the camp but, as they drew within a range where the group's archers could begin following, picked up her pace. She slid the shield onto her arm in order to free the appropriate hand. A hand that wrenched the spear out of its fleshy lodging! With disturbing ease given the gaping wound, the paladin launched it into the mass of bandits already reeling from attacks on multiple flanks. That was when she launched into a full sprint, heedless of the men behind her. They knew what to do and the heat of a battle was no time for fancy commands. Instead, they got treated to the sight of one of their reliable elders apparently doing a suicidal recreation of a cavalry charge on foot. Against a disciplined wall of soldiers, it was quite likely that even her immense sword would have been repelled and the spear bounced off harmlessly. Instead, against bandits trying to gather up their weapons and rush to deal with the captain's charge, the spear got one man in the side and the already-horrified bandits were treated to a wordless raw as Tyaethe slammed into their position. A disciplined massed force was a threat but an undisciplined one? A target-rich slaughter. The paladin was in her element, until the others caught up. Her later training and fighting style focused on two things: going forth and destroying her enemies or providing more than ample protection for a single person. Experience tempered it somewhat but the paladin's fighting style was very unfriendly to fighting in an infantry wall and, back when she was a newly-minted paladin, it was expected that it might end up as her against a necromancer. It did a lot to explain using a weapon that could go through multiple people before stopping. Nevertheless, she was doing an admirable job of keeping to her promise to break the enemy position for her group to exploit the gap as she fought forwards, slamming her shield into one bandit and smashing the edge down on his neck when he tripped. Though she would have preferred a challenging fight, bringing justice to these murderous cretins was satisfaction enough... for now.