Dalious walked along with the others through the darkened forest, holding Stealthion's reigns in his left hand as he moved along. The cool windy air wasn't much a problem for him as it seemed to be for the maority of the group, his light armor felt tight to his skin. It was comfortable and reasonably warm in harsh conditions, a perfect fit for him. The blacksmith that made it for him was a true talent, and Dalious was thankful for crossing paths with the man. However, in the midst of all the chaos that happened back at the castle, and with how quickly the group set out again, he was unable to make sure the man was still alive. Hopefully he was, and that he survived the slaughter. Dalious made a mental note to himself to seek out the blacksmith upon return. He was so drunk that night, he couldn't even remember the damned man's name! Pulling his hood further over his face, he walked until the mist was partially going away. He could see Stark walking amongst him and a few others. While he had noticed a few of the others taking greater interests in magics from Drosil, the one that he himself found the most curious, even moreso than the divine herself, was that power of Starks. Whatever the hell it was. [i]'Water magic. How bloody useful that could of been all those years at sea'[/i]. He was to ask the girl about it, but dipping in his thoughts for to long, he looked up and found that they were at the destination. A curious brow rose for a moment as he saw that it was nightfall. More magic, something he was slowly beginning to get used to. He briefly put a finger to the hilt of the blade sheathed to his back, but as no one seemed threatened, he relaxed again. The mansion was beautiful, and so was everything surrounding it. It was a gloomy kind of beauty, his favorite for some reason, though it made him cautious. He paused a moment to stare, debating if he were to follow the rest inside. He calmly stroked Stealthion's neck as he pondered. [i]'Feels a trap to me'[/i] he thought to himself. Again, he didn't want to cause trouble where it was not needed, so he watched the others and did as they did. He followed again, only to find the earth shaking and a large bright light coming. Dalious dove out of the way as the shining thing seemed to bounce around. He coward behind Vesta until it hit Etsuko and revealed its true self. The poor pirate almost had a heart attack with all this damned magic coming freely into his life. He stood and took out his flask of whiskey, he took a swig of it then offered it over to Vesta. [color=steelblue] "...the hell was that about?"[/color] The Lady of Demons was then introduced, as well as many others that the pirate was losing track of. There were to many damned names for him to remember, he was moreso a face person anyway. He remained silent as everyone else spoke, and gladly took a part in the feast. The music being played was also quite relaxing to him, though he paid very little attention to that as he stuffed his face. He was able to go without food for many days when he wanted or was forced, but there was nothing finer in his mind than having your way at all you wanted. He ate and drank until his plate was clean, then looked over at Etsuko who was sitting next to him. She seemed to be bedazzled by some handsome lad that came forth. He leaned in as she poked at her food. [color=steelblue] "You gonna eat that??" [/color]