[quote=@MacabreFox] I'll be busy tomorrow, so if I don't manage to squeeze a post in by then, I'll get one in on Tuesday. Just one question, is this photo-lab room with the trap door noticeable at all, or is it pretty darn hidden? Also, what would this trap door lead to? A compartment to the outside? [/quote] It's disguised so nobody knew what's behind during flight, but since the door came off from the crash, it'll be pretty hard to miss when you search the area. The trap door will require a key, but you can force it open with the axe. Below is a waist height housing for an enlarged camera. [quote=@POOHEAD189] I am curious on if Edward is one of the three near the front. If so, I am curious if he is now underwater, or if he is hanging on his seat above the pond. Also, if the survival kit is below. Just making sure. Excellent post btw, I just don't want to mess up my own :lol [/quote] Thanks, good to hear you enjoyed it. Edward is in the back with Jack, Julian and Athena. Since all of them traveled on their own, upper class seating is over their budget. Isaac and Charlotte got business class tickets from rich guys, while Lulu is one of the attendants for that section.