[hider=Felgratz] [b]Name:[/b] Felgratz Bayleth Ironblood, the Knight of Kharthsbridge [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Breed:[/b] Orc [b]Appearance:[/b] Felgratz is something of an oddity of an orc in more ways than one. While most orcs have a natural hunch to them, Felgratz always stands tall and proud above all others, almost boasting his height to others. Although appearing to be a normal, bald orc, Felgratz is actually some what weaker than other orcs of his stature, no doubt owning to a childhood with less emphasis on beating the shit out of other orcs. Unlike many orcs whose natural face is some where between angry and contempt, Felgratz's resting face has more of a grinning smile to it. One could say that his general "aura" is more human-like than those around him, his walking strides lacking the usual orcish swagger. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b][indent]- Mounted Combat - While no beastmaster, Felgratz's ability to not only ride wargs but also fight on them is something amazing, having distingushed amongst the company's Warg Riders. While on warg-back, Felgratz prefers to use the halberd purely due to personal preferance as well as a lack of proper lances in the company's armory but does change to his sword as needed. - Shield Combat - Both a Warg Rider and a wannabe knight, Felgratz has gotten over the normal distain for sheilds that most orcs have. Even more surprisingly the Green Knight has proven his abiltiy to block and counter enemies with sheild techniques more commonly found amongst humans and elves. - Tailoring - One of the skills he picked up growing up, having to make his own clothes as none of the villagers he lived with could produce suitable clothing for him on a regular basis, at least to start with. - Paitence - Perhaps the strangest trait in Felgratz's resume, he knows how to paitencely wait for something or someone as well as humility to a greater degree than most Tuskers. While some orcs call such behavoir "cowardly" or "unorc-like", there is value in being able to deal with humans in manners that don't involve yelling and punching. - Language Skills - After many hours spent with wisemen and reading picture books, Felgratz has a good handle on most of the human languages. While he won't be composing any spectacular epics or peoms for courts any time soon, he knows enough to properly live amongst humans and talk to them. - Wine Tasting - Born with a sensitive tongue to such things, Felgratz occasionally indulges himself in the finer things in life. [/indent] [b]Equipment:[/b][indent]- Orcish "plate armor" consisting of crude metal hammered into something roughly reminiscent of a knight's plate armor; Felgratz tries his best to make it look more like a "shinning suit of armor" thought various means and methods but it seems like orcish metal simply does not have the same luster of that of other races. He also wears a hand stitched tabard made of pelts and hides, dyed in red as well as a giant red cape given to him by the people of Kharthsbridge. - A halberd that's more like a lance with two axe blades sticking out of either side - A war hammer with an axe blade on it - A human great sword, meant to be used with two hands but easily used in one by the likes of Felgratz to be used in cermeony and "honorable" duels only. - A simple but thick heater shield painted in red and white with a the company's heraldry chained to the middle. - "Gullyhat", Felgratz's loyal warg. [/indent] [b]History:[/b][indent]Felgratz knows little of what a true orcish upbringing is like as he was found in a wicker cradle, floating down the River Kharth as a baby, his mother probably placing him there to protect him from some unknown threat. The orcish baby had been found by a group of peasants who were having a picnic along the river banks. Upon finding the orc baby, they disputed over what to do, some said that they should bring it home, other said that they should throw it back into the river or kill it on the spot. In the end, it was decided to let the local noble and elders decide on what to do. Bringing the child back to the center, a council was adjoined on the matter of what to do with the child. Eventually it was decided that a half orc woman who recently moved into the village would take guardianship of the child along with her scribe husband. The woman was called Uirth and her husband one Mathais Bayleth, the two decided to name the child after Uirth's own full orc father, Felgratz. Although something of an unruly child, the two managed to raise a happy, healthy little orc baby from baby into child. Of course there was suspicion amongst the populace on the matter of the nature of an orc. Some feared that the child would grow up a savage and slaughter them all. The Bayleths and the elders did their best to reassure the people that no such thing would happen, but some were not convinced and continued to treat the young Felgratz poorly. Being an orc, Felgratz had a tough hide, literally and metaphorically; such insults would do little on him. He'd continue about his day until night time where his parents would tell him tales of brave, heroic knights and stories of grand adventures undertaken by couragous men. This would leave a profound impact on his life. Felgratz would convinced that he would become a knight, his orc blood wanting him to be a fighter while his human upbringing wanting him to be noble. His first chance of this would occur when he was 14 and out splitting wood for the winter to come. A large group of bandits had decided to attack the lonely village, easily overpowering the local militia. The alliance of at least a dozen small groups had besieged the village that was too far to ask for help, and they thought they have hit it rich by attacking and undefended little place in the middle of no where. Unfortunately they didn't count on an orc being in the mix. Donning his mother's old armor and picking up his father's axe and hammer, Felgratz barreled into the the bandits as they were making their way though town, looting all they came across. Using pure surprise to advantage, Felgratz killed a hand full of them, bigger and stronger than even the burliest of the bandits. When the looters reformed to try a head on assault, a clever flanking maneuver by Felgratz lead him to the path of a oxen which he used as a glorious mount to charge into the unprotected rear of the bandits. Needless to say, they didn't come back for a long time after that. Felgratz was celebrated as a locate hero, what ever prejudices people held against him began to fade. As the years went on, the orc had become the guardian of the village in a way, even being dubbed the "Knight of Kharthsbridge". But soon he began to grow restless, his orcish blood telling him to go and seek more battles and fights. It would be around this time at one normal dinner that Felgratz's mother would bring up the name of Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi, a mercenary company which her father had some connection to in the way of a family friend. Excited at the prospect, Felgratz wanted to go an join but his family refused. There was much heated arguement and even an incident which lead to a new hole being made in the side of the family home curtosy of Felgratz but eventually his parents caved and let him go. The villagers gathered to see their knight off as he was about the begin his journey. Right before turning his head towards the distant horizon, one of the nobles who had once refused the orcish baby citizenship into his land presented Felgratz a beautiful red cloak and a great two-handed sword, wishing him the best of fortunes in his adventures. Smiling once last time, Felgratz shed a single tear as he left the village which he had called home for so many years. It wasn't a proper orc tribe or stronghold, but to him it was home, and that's all that mattered. It would take him a few months before he managed to catch up with the orc mercenaries, asking around in taverns and question travelers on the road but he eventually stumbled his was into one of Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi's encampments. He took to his training with an unseen enthusiasm, requiring little discipline as a pikeorc given that he wasn't nearly as aggressive and unchained as his comrades. Some thought that he was weaker than normal orcs since he didn't have a "right n proper orcish upbringing", but Felgratz proved that he was just as much an orc they were, keeping courageous and steadfast when the rest of his unit threatened the break and route. After his time in the pikes, Felgratz became a Warg Rider and again took to it with great zeal seeing it as the closest thing he'd be to a proper knight. The beasts were not the friendliest of creatures to the orc but with time he learned how to properly ride and care for one of them. As the years passed on, he found that his armor became less and less adequate for his needs and decided to sell or trade in most of his collected loot in exchange for the closest thing to knightly plate armor that the company smiths could make. Little over a year from getting his prized suit of armor, Felgratz had been promoted to a Chosen due to his heroic nature, his steadfast fighting and more importantly, his ability to empathize with humans.[/indent] [b]Personality and Psychological profile:[/b][indent] An orc warrior with a human childhood, Felgratz is much less savage and aggressive compared to most orcs, preferring to be more reserved and patient. Of course there's still limits on how well an orc can do that but Felgratz likes to think he does it well, a probable root to his slight narcism streak. Whenever possible, Felgratz tries to act like either a reserved gentlemanly (gentleorcly?) mentor or a heroic knight with a lion heart. His love of doing good and preforming "knightly" acts is matched only by his love of battle and wine.[/indent] [b]Relationships and Acquaintances:[/b][indent]None[/indent] [/hider]