[center][h1][u][color=ed145b]Irina Ivanov[/color][/u][/h1] Cafeteria -[@Jinxer][@Lillium][@HecateProxy][/center] Irina had waited patiently for the girl’s reaction of wanting to help cook. From the moment Irina had began to speak to the petite young lady, she could sense giant exclamation points and question marks form in her little white haired head. Irina had held her composer as she was somewhat able to understand the thoughts of the girl; they were amusing, to say the least. Irina found herself getting lost in the way the girl’s thoughts shot out as if going a million miles per hour. She didn’t mean to have taken her by surprise [i]that[/i] much. Finally the young woman had spoken and Irina’s undivided attention was back on her. A simple “uhh” before she began laughing without having any real reason behind it. Irina looked around and quickly saw her reflection on one of the stainless steel pans that was handing from a hook. [i]’Nothing’s on my face…. Why is she laughing?’[/i] Although Irina did seem to be taken quite off guard, she couldn’t help but to let out a little laugh herself. A bit more nervous than the small girl’s laugh, but a laugh nonetheless. Luckily the laughing fit hadn’t lasted so long. Irina had never been the laughing type, and it was never easy to get a chuckle out of her, or a giggle. [color=ed145b]“It’s okay, I understand. It’s not every day you get kidnapped and told you have ‘powers’,”[/color] Irina lifted her hands to make air quotations as she rolled her eyes. She looked back at the girl and smiled, listening once more to what she had to say and watching what she was doing. Irina had barely picked up her fork and began to eat while standing when the knife that the young woman was cutting with decided that it was out for blood. Irina’s eyes widened as she watched the small teenager begin to run around quickly and shoot towards the sink. [color=ed145b]“Oh! Let me help.”[/color] Irina spoke with food still in her mouth as she looked around for something to wrap around the cut so that blood spillage wouldn’t be too big of an issue. She was sure that once they settled that they could go off and find a first aid kit. Surely there was one in the kitchen. There always were kits in kitchens. As Irina made her way over to the girl, she once again heard the ongoing battle against herself in her own mind. Irina smirked as she sat a small towel down next to Mara, who had finally given up her name, and crossed her arms as she leaned on the counter, [color=ed145b]“That Jiminy Cricket you have in your head is very sarcastic, you know? Very funny to hear.”[/color] She had barely made her comment when she heard more voices and turned her head to see Arthur and the French girl arrive. Irina gave them both a small wave as she remained quiet for the rest of the time being. Arthur had stepped in and taken over the first aid, which Irina had no issues with. She merely waltzed back to her eggs and began eating them as if nothing had happened. Blood had never bugged Irina, so she decided to stay within a good distance from Mara and oversee what Arthur would do. She felt as if it would be too rude if she just up and left after all of that.