[hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=0D6D83]Tom Fisher[/color][/b][/i][/h1][/center][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Tristan's Quarters[/center][hr][hr] As he moved into the room, Tom seem barely phased as the vase crashed by his head, a few shards colliding with the side of his face as he stood there, watching Tristan closely. While Tristan screamed his head off, Tom remained silent, hands clasped in front of him as he watched the Tower Lead. This wasn't exactly uncommon, Tristan liked to throw his weight around and scream his head off, threats, complaints, all sorts of whining which one would commonly expect of a spoiled six year old. Plenty of the others in the tower just stood and took it, perhaps concerned for their jobs or positions, but Tom did no such thing. When he finished speaking, Tom cleared his throat and took a number of steps closer, toward Tristan's desk. He didn't stop before it, moving to walk around it. He did so until he stood a few inches from Tristan, staring down at the man, his motions and positioning intended to send a message as much as his words. [b][color=0D6D83]"I was doing my job, Debute - stopping the new Tower Lead in Training from dying by catching a ship while you did fuck-all up here."[/color][/b] He paused for a moment to let the words sink in before he continued. [b][color=0D6D83]"You could have been injured - but you weren't, so you could have quite easily gone down to the MOR and, oh, I don't know, done your fucking job."[/color][/b] He let out the words with a hiss. [b][color=0D6D83]"Alternatively, if you feel that you might be in a little discomfort, or you're scared you might publicly shit your britches because you have to actually work for once in your fucking life, I can organise for you to have a more comfortable, and safer accommodation in the security offices."[/color][/b] The words could have been taken as a threat, and to a degree they were. Tristan was guilty of a great deal, it may not have been enough for him to lose his position, but Tom could likely have had the man detained, especially if he tried to unlawfully remove Tom from his position. Leaning down, he kept his eyes locked on Tristan's, a serious expression on his face as he spoke slowly and clearly. [b][color=0D6D83]"Get. This. Through. Your. Head."[/color][/b] He began. [b][color=0D6D83]"You are a stuck-up, corrupt, shit-at-your-job Tower Lead, and the day I put you at the top of my priorities is the day I put my gun in my mouth. My priority is the safety of the entire populace of this tower, no one takes precedence over that, and the only one who might, is the only T1 in this tower who seems to do anything of worth."[/color][/b] Standing up straight again, he moved back around the table, glancing back toward Tristan, forcing a half-smile and a more professional demeanor. [b][color=0D6D83]"Feel free to contact me if you require any further assistance, Debute."[/color][/b] He commented before beginning to move out.