Got a little bit lazy towards the end with the character personality and biography but here we go ^-^" For your consideration. Happy to change anything. [@Crimmy] [hr][hr] [b]Name:[/b] Levi Astrauckas. [b]Age:[/b] 24. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]???:[/b] Y. [b]Skills:[/b] Levi has spent 5 years working with the OS Type 7 and with the accumulated experience, is an experienced HPV pilot and a particularly talented pilot for the Type 7 specifically. As lesser skills, she's also capable of general maintenance and lesser repairs to most OS-series HPV's and also has an idea of how to command a squadron of HPV's, although both are in need of development. [b]Appearance:[/b] Levi stands at a common 5'7 with a light complexion, short and vibrant dark brown hair, bland hazel eyes and a maintained above-average build - built enough to do the day-to-day as a soldier, but nothing outstanding and nothing more than that. Both her ear lobes are pierced once but she only wears jewelry in the left ear - a single 4mm silver stud; the other one fell out and was never found again about 4 months ago. She wears a silver ring with an onyx gemstone on her left index finger and a simple black leather necklace around her neck. [url=][Inspiration][/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Levi is much of a tomboy when it comes to her personality: she wears hoodies and tracksuits around in her casual attire, keeps her hair cut somewhat short, visits the gym at least twice a week, finds it appropriate to punch her friends in the shoulder in response to a bad joke and finds leisure working on OS-series HPV's. She's normally cool-headed but is known to become aggressive, borderline irrationally so, in certain situations. She values pragmatism, is irritated by long solutions, secretly enjoys quiet walks on the beach or among nature - not that she'd ever admit it - and has a soft spot for anyone who's new at something and is trying really hard to pick it up, especially if they're struggling at it. [b]History:[/b] Levi was born in a suburban area on the west coast of the United States to a middle-class family as the oldest of two, with a younger brother. Her father was a retired soldier who had since found his passion in making watches and her mother was an administrative assistant for a local automotive workshop. Growing up, Levi mostly took after her father but found something of an interest in automechanics through her mothers workplace. Her time in school was fairly standard. Throughout elementary school she scored consistently high, generally getting B's with the odd A, with a healthy social life to boot. Throughout middle school towards her second last year of high school her grades dipped towards D's at standard until she eventually dropped out in favor of an automechanic apprenticeship at 17 years of age. While she enjoyed all of the first week of her apprenticeship, the remaining 2 years grew more and more tiresome until she eventually abandoned the apprenticeship. After about a month of unemployment, on her fathers suggestion, she started looking into a career in the United States Armed Forces, which - following a fateful discovery of a thread on a questionable set of online forums late one night - led into her looking into a career at CAPEI, which she found much more interesting. After initial testing found a surprisingly high compatibility with a HPV pilot career, she soon enough found herself training as a Type 7 HPV pilot, which has led to a 5-year career in the diminishing CAPEI landing her where she is now. [hr] [b]Model:[/b] OS Type 7 "Arcen". [b]Specialty:[/b] Heavy Assault. [b]History:[/b] The "Omnienvironmental Series" (OS) is a series of HPV's produced by "Omni Program", the United States of America's response to the discovery in Siberia forty years ago. Through collaborative action between NASA and DARPA, a total of 9 entries into the series were successfully completed. Within the past 15 years, the United Nations increased funding to the Omni Program due to the valuable contributions made to CAPEI and as such, the program was seen to be much more an annex to CAPEI funded by the United States than a United States defense program. In a bid to gain office, the recently elected administration used this perception and promised to dissolve the program if elected; within 100 days of taking office the program was dissolved, partly contributing to CAPEI's current state. The Type 7 "Arcen" was one of the more recent developments by the program. With a total of 20 units produced before the program was dissolved the model is fairly rare; the models that remain are mostly used as something of an MMORPG-esque tank within their HPV squadrons in the United States Armed Forces, with a small number remaining within CAPEI and an approximately equivalent number unaccounted for. The Type 7 was initially designed as a Heavy Assault unit with the capacity to break through thick enemy defenses when grouped together in squadrons, although not nearly enough units were made to make this practical, thus their new purpose within the United States Armed Forces. [b]Appearance:[/b] The OS Type 7 is an imposing and heavily armored machine. It stands at 22.3 meters tall with a standard weight of 29.7 metric tonnes, a maximum weight capacity of 74.02 metric tonnes, a sensor range of 18500 meters, an OS Ultracompact Fusion Reactor Mk.III capable of outputting 16540 kilowatts of power, and a series of positioned rocket thrusters capable of outputting a total of 197800 kilograms of force. The machine is normally left unpainted to reduce production cost but in the case of Levi's Type 7, it's painted white with black trims and details. A single red eye adorns a slit in the helmet, with a long 'fin' coming from the top of the helm. Other than it's imposingly thick armor, the machine has 4 additional arms coming from the upper hull bearing long and relatively thin shields constructed almost entirely of raw armor, with thrusters concealed by the ends for omnidirectional thrust. These were made so that the pilot can provide themselves a shield using anywhere between a wall of all 4 shields fashioned for an onslaught or barrage or parry using 1, but also so that they can grapple - thus the shape and construction - while keeping their hands free. A 80mm quad-barreled gatling gun is also hard-mounted on the upper left arm with the capability to move to the top of the left forearm for use. [url=][Inspiration][/url] [b]Features:[/b] • Heavy armor. • Four shields, borne independently from the main arms. • 80mm quad-barreled gatling gun hard-mounted to the left arm. [b]Armaments:[/b] • 80mm quad-barreled gatling gun (1x), belt-fed from a compartment in the unit's back. • Beam saber (4x). Two are stored in each of the forward-resting shields, intended to be used one at a time with an additional drawn in the case that one is lost. The warranty is void if both are used at once. • 4-slot grenade rack (2x). One per rear-resting shield. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Whilst the Type 7 has competitive speed for the amount of armor it bears, this is mostly due credit to the thrusters on the four shield arms. For each arm severed, the Type 7 loses both defense and speed; the arms are vulnerable for a section between the mountings to the unit and the shields themselves, a reluctantly-made flaw so that the shields could actually move around the unit. The hard-mounted gatling gun prevents a weapon being wielded in the left hand, and the belt itself may be severed. The back of the unit also has less armor than the front, with the upper back storing the ammunition for the gatling gun - a direct hit causing a fire may cause the ammunition depot to explode for devastating effect. A talented enemy pilot may also prompt a panicking or overwhelmed Type 7 pilot to tangle the shields and the gatling gun feed for damage to either one or both plus any further effects. Whilst the single "eye" on the unit within an armored horizontal slit highly reduces the chances of visibility being eliminated for the pilot, the units peripheral vision is hindered significantly as result. The unit relies on sensors more than most HPV's, which a talented enemy pilot might exploit. The ejection mechanism takes a few seconds longer than on most suits, as some armor has to be abandoned before the standard process can begin. Whilst the Type 7 functions as intended in zero gravity and in earth atmosphere conditions, it struggles in the atmosphere of most other planets, such as Mars. This makes it much more cumbersome to use and potentially flares out some of its weaknesses.