Tiral's water and ice magic was quite impressive as it completely shattered the wooden barricades in front of the group. Front this initial charge it was quite clear that the battle was already won; however, she just hoped the archers had the sense to stop fighting soon after the initial volley and instead focus on taking down anyone trying to escape. A few more arrows flew overhead as she charged in, shield held out in front like a bulwark she plunged into the fray. A fearful bandit tried to attack her from the front but her shield completely blocked him and a quick thrust with her sword pierced his abdomen. The man doubled over in pain but she already had her sights on the next target. A bandit with a little more sense tried to run past her but she slammed the edge of her shield into his side, causing him to stumble which allowed her to make quick work of the bandit before he could recover. They had two objectives in this battle. One, was to wipe out the bandits completely, which meant allowing none of them to escape. The second was securing the Bandit King. If possible, no doubt capturing him alive would be the best outcome as the nobles back home would doubtlessly love to have such a prize to make an example of. If she had been in command her priority would have been to make sure no one escaped, but as just a simple knight, finding and capturing the Bandit King would be her best priority, after all if some escaped it would not be her fault. Julianna started to search through the camp to find the man in charge, not bother to chase after or engage bandits unless they came to her. Where was he? Was he perhaps resting somewhere when the attack occurred? Perhaps he was where the greatest concentration of bandits were? Trusting her instinct she noticed some makeshift structures in the camp and started to make her way toward them, bashing anyone her happened to get in her way. She kept herself as silent as possible so she wouldn't draw as much attention as the idiots screaming and grunting as they fought. She would find him first if she was lucky.