Ian adjusted his grip again as they approached the camp, taking a deep breath in preparation. As Fanilly gave the order to the archers he slammed his right shield into the ground hard enough that it stood up on it's own and drew his crossbow, aiming for the camp and letting his bolt fly with the rest of the volley. After firing he put his crossbow away and picked his shield back up for the charge. Once the order was given he rushed forward with the rest of the shield line, a thrown axe from some cheeky bandit bouncing off his shields, as they hit the camp's perimeter he braced behind one of his shield and shoulder-charged into a bandit, followed by slamming the bottom of it into the bandit's chest, crushing the poor sod. He continued to used his shields to bash and beat the bandits out of the way until the troops were able to push into the camp proper, At that point pulling back to stay beside Fanilly. He plunged both his shields into the ground and began using them as cover to use his crossbow aiming for any bandits using throwing weapons or bows of their own. He made sure he to stay close to Fanilly, ready to pick up and move if she charged on. He could hear the result of the other group's charges, and could clearly see the effect in the disarray the camp was in. Given all then he at one point looked to the Captain while reloading his crossbow. "Shall we hunt down this 'king' captain?" he gestured toward the fighting "I think the others can handle his army"