[centre][color=bc8dbf][i][h3]Cassandra[/h3][/i][/color] [img]http://slodive.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/cool-hair-color-ideas/natural-blonde-hair.jpg[/img] Location: Red Lake [@BlackPanther] [/centre] [color=f6989d]"Don't try and act like nothings happened. I smelt the blood way off."[/color] Cassadra said, her voice full of anger and horror, but it wasn't directed at the twins. [color=f6989d]"I followed it from your house. I know they are horrible people, but I'd never thought they'd hit you"[/color] She moved towards them, wanted to pulled them both into a hug, and tell them everything would be okay. [color=f6989d]"are you both okay?"[/color] it was a stupid question, but she couldn't think what else to say. [color=f6989d]"You're not going back there tonight. You can stay at my place"[/color] She said, after a moment, [color=f6989d]"Let me have a look"[/color] [centre][color=00a651][i][h3]Connor[/h3][/i][/color] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_le7ozxYeOl1qbvoj8o1_500.jpg[/img] Location: The woods Interacting with:[@Vicier][/centre] Connor rolled his eyes at Patrica's comments. [color=8dc73f]"Interesting. Maybe she thinks it was her fault Riley was attacked, but doesn't want to think that it was, so Vanessa is someone easy to blame"[/color] he muttered that to himself, before looking to Kaylee and smiling. She seemed at peace, for a little bit. He listened as she spoke. He supposed that blood did have a lure, but the almost coppery scent to it made him feel a little sick. [color=8dc73f]"It wasn't a mistake. They-we haven't been this long. Most of them were attacked last week, on a camping trip. Vanessa fought the one responsible, and they haven't had much time to adjust. Not that I have, either, if truth be told, but i prefer to focus on the analytical side. emotions aren't something I am good with, overall. I might be the same age as some of them, but...I was never really a kid. They are toddlers, trying to find their feet and run, when they should walk."[/color] He said wearily [color=8dc73f]"You're alone, they have each other."[/color] If they were pups, what was he? Vanessa had seemed surpriseed when he had managed to turn away from the campsite, that night. From that Connor could figure out that that was usual. Was he simple strong willed? [color=8dc73f]"They are bound to be wary of anything unfamiliar for a while."[/color] He looked back, seeing that the group was getting smaller as some of them left, before looking back [color=8dc73f]"My camp site is just a little ways a way, if you want to come round"[/color] he realised how forward that might be, and he blushed, rubbing the back of his neck, [color=8dc73f]"uh, I meant if you wanted to warm up, and, well, I can't walk around all day without a shirt, and I have a truck if you want a lift to your house"[/color]