Hello there. I am Inge and I am looking for some fun folks to write with. [hider=General interests] - Fantasy of all sorts. I like your standard medieval fantasy, but I'd also be up for roarings twenties vampire gangsters or elves in the future. As long as there's a compelling premise, really. - Action. - Dystopian stuff. I have a weakspot for settings in which the world has gone to shit one way or another. - Chase elements. Characters being on the run is a recurring theme of my plots, oops. [/hider] [hider=About me and RP] - I fucking hate pre-determined romance. If the characters have chemistry and it all just kinda develops I have no issue with romance, but the moment someone goes 'well there has to be romance', I'm done, sorry. If you want romance to be the main focus, I'm not the right person for you. - I need someone who thinks along. Not everything has to be thought out in advance at all, but the things that do need discussing need to come from both sides. I've had too many RP's in which I was the only one to drag the plot along and I'm just done with that. - I crave RP's that leave loads-a room for character development. - I don't give a fuck what type of pictures you use, don't worry. I either use ones I drew myself (realistic) or images. - I don't write sexual stuff. - I'm completely chill with violence, however. [/hider] [hider=Plot ideas] - Demon hunters Char A was always a hunter, char B became one after they got in a bind with a demon and has been partially hunting and partially on the run. The two meet and it turns out A has been after the demon B is trying to deal with and they team up. Turns out this demon is more powerful than they could have imagined and they're miles up shore without a peddle. Can be combined with the lore from Supernatural, though I don't want to use any of the existing characters from that show. - Character A is a dealer. He/she works for one of the top dogs, a man who both cruel and intelligent, and who practically owns A. The reason is that A is indebted by this man, and the time A got to pay back is coming to an end. Best case scenario? If A doesn't pay up, he/she is forced to practically work for this person until they are either killed or arrested. Worst case scenario? His/her 'boss' just kills him/her right away. A nasty situation. Then there's character B. B has lost his/her sibling/parent/friend to drug abuse and feels powerless and angry. B learns that A was their loved one's dealer and wants revenge. But then A tells B that if they work together, A can lead B to the man at the top of this rotten chain. So, A is using B to get out that debt, while B has plans of taking down A once this druglord is taken care of either way. This idea can be played straight, with the both of them playing eachother out, but it's also possible that some kind of mutual respect grows, messing with things. Can be in a modern setting, but I am also open to adding fantasy elements or anything like that. - The characters have gotten their powers very recently, after having been experimented on (can be voluntary, like those cases where students get paid to have new medication tested on them, but involuntary as well. Kind of depends on the setting I guess.) and while they are still getting used to it, they are soon hunted down by people who want them out of the way, mostly out of fear. So at first their goal would likely be staying free, but at some point they would have to find a way to put a stop to this, even if that might mean getting violent. - Vampires and humans co-exist, in a modern society, but not very well. Vampires can drink animal blood, pre-packaged even. With such convenience, one would assume life is easy for them, right? Wrong. Drinking blood has become illegal, wether it's directly from a life person or creature or not. And because of that a lively black market has erupted. Some people just sell the blood as is, but others mess with it, poison it even. Vampires are tolerated, but the very thing they need to survive is illegal, and therefore a healthy existence for them is made illegal. And that creates tension. Some vampires just want to live in peace, some want to go back to times where THEY were the hunters instead the oppressed and others just want to find ways to compromise. It's the same among humans. Some want more rights for these vampires, believing that peaceful co-existence can be done, while others would love to eradicate them. This plot can take many forms; it can be very political, but it can also focus on a few vampires trying to stay out of the hands of humans that have taken matters into their own hands, for example. - This one is set roughly around the 20s (can be set in a fantasy universe as well, however, if you prefer that). The First World War is over, and now many people are trying to pick up their old lives again. Many men cope with traumas from the war, while many women need to adjust to the fact that now that the men are back, they don't have to take over most of their professions anymore. In the midsts of the post-war poverty and societal instability, gang violence gets a chance to flourish. However, there are new players in this scene. And they are not human. Gangs of vampires have found a new way to gain control and they do so by illegally ruling the streets. They generally do things similar to what other gangs do, such as having stores pay for protection, but it's in the night when they do things their way. They are dangerous and they are coming up fast. A human gang wants to take them down, and it's not long until these two gangs are willing to do EVERYTHING to wipe the other out. This plot would likely require each of us to play more than one character, to make things more dynamic. - Harry Potter idea. The characters are involved with a group that has taken to smuggling muggleborns out of the country. The RP is set during either the seventh book, or an alternate universe in which Voldemort has won. The idea of this plot is that the characters deal both with the deatheaters, as well as the shady types you get involved with when you smuggle people, giving them something extra to deal with. [/hider] [hider=Other stuff I'm always up for;] - Fantasy gangs - Characters being brought together by some shared unpleasant predicament and working together to fix shit - Demons (currently have enough of these, I'm afraid) - Alternate worlds - Skyrim - Harry Potter [/hider] [hider=Pairings - not in the romantic sense. See these as character combinations I would love to work out an interesting plot around] Idealist - Egotist Thinker/chessmaster - Brute force Elf - Human Demon - Human Elf - Satyr Satyr - Human Gangster - Gangster Gangster - Civillian [/hider] [hider=Fandoms] - Skyrim - Morrowind - Oblivion - Fallout 3 (haven't finished this yet) - Fallout New Vegas (haven't finished this yet) - Harry Potter [/hider]