This sounds like fun, I'm keen to join if you'll have me. [b]Name[/b]: Andrew/ [b]Alias[/b] - Nergal [b]Age[/b]: 19 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: Andrew wears simple and rough clothing, consisting of torn jeans and a sleeveless shirt, having learnt quickly that good looking clothing makes one a target on the street. His soft features from his pampered lifestyle have given way to a much rougher features including a number of scars from the brawls he has gotten himself into. His blonde hair has become rather messy and unkempt though he keeps it cut short so it stays out of the way. His eyes are a dark brown/green color and seem dull and without the spark of life at most times, though when he succeeds in a crime or venture they momentarily regain that spark. His overall body structure is toned but not muscular, his focus being on agility and dexterity rather than strength [b]Personality[/b]:Sadistic, Rageful, Selfish, Arrogant, Bad with Authority [b]Powers/skills[/b]: Corrosive Touch, Toxic Fluids, Poison Resistance [i]Corrosive Touch[/i]: The chemicals that splashed Andrew caused a side-effect in his biological makeup, granting him the ability to change the chemical compounds of the skin of his body. By focusing his mind on a part of his body, Andrew can make the skin of that area become corrosive enough that his very touch begins to break down the object he comes into contact with. The longer he concentrates and the longer he maintains physical contact with the area, the stronger this effect becomes. This effect is most pronounced when contact is made using the palms of his hands, however it can still be used by the rest of skin, though to a much weaker degree. When this is used on a person, it will initial cause a burning of the skin with longer contact beginning to melt the skin and work on the underlying structure of the unfortunate victim. Wounds caused by this resemble chemical burns and can result in poisoning in some cases [i]Toxic Fluids[/i]: Any of the liquids from Andrew’s body, such as blood or saliva, can become toxic with concentration. With some mental effort, he can make the blood from a wound, or saliva as he gathers it in his mouth, he can change its chemical structure to be either poisonous or corrosive to the general human. Unlike his touch, the toxins produced are specifically designed for a biological reaction. The poisons produced will only cause an effect if they enter the target’s bloodstream and can mimic a weak version of most poisons found naturally in the world (Mild Paralysis, muscle spasming, blood thinning, etc.). Non-living substances will have minimal effect from any toxins produced this way [i]Poison Resistance[/i]: Due to his ability to create poisons and toxins, Andrew has an initiate resistance to being poisoned himself. This does not make him immune to the effects but reducing their impact and minimizing the chance of lethality. [b]Equipment[/b]: The main tools he carries around a set of throwing knives and a sickle. He has no problem picking up any other bladed weapons he comes across as he can lace them with his poisons, allowing him to increase the lethality of what would otherwise be glancing blows [b]Short Bio[/b]: Andrew lived a life that many would have envied, having a well renowned father and mother for scientists ensured that he was well taken care of. Wanting to ensure the best for their child, his parents made sure he was offered the best education and experiences to ensure he would follow in their footsteps and continue down the path they had. Despite being provided the means to live in the upper echelons of society by his parents however, Andrew expressed resentment at how it seemed his life had already been decided for him by his parents. Further fueling this resentment was the fact his parents research demanded their time and attention, often leaving Andrew on his own unless it was him expressing interest in the topic of research they were currently working on By the time he was finishing High-school and beginning to look at Universities, this resentment had developed into a deep-seated hatred which resulting in many arguments between the family. On one such night where his parents were on the verge of a breakthrough, when the family was planning on having a dinner together once they had finished the latest research, another argument broke out while tensions were at an all time high. Heated words were exchanged and becoming enraged by the conversation, Andrew began taking his anger out on the nearby equipment and causing it to malfunction. The end result was the equipment exploding, injuring Andrew both from the blast and the chemical burns he suffered. After being rushed to hospital and stabilized, Andrew was eventually visited by his father who promptly told him this attitude of his could go on no longer, and he either to behave himself or become disowned. Left alone to mull over this fact, Andrew eventually decided he could not live with his life being dictated by others. While he healed he slowly began to realise the accident had resulted in some positive side effects. Spending the next few days testing his abilities, he eventually disappeared from the hospital, abandoning who he and any ties to his past. The next few years he spent honing his own skills and forging his own path, not caring for those he hurt or killed as long as he got to live his own life. [b]Other[/b]: N/A for now Not to sure about the power levels you'd want for our villains so if its too weak/strong happy to change it