[center] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Rose%20Louvel%20&name=Caribbean.ttf&size=60&style_color=ed145b[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Little%20Red%20Riding%20Hood&name=Caribbean.ttf&size=30&style_color=ed145b[/img] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-atCYP9WAZpM/VU5dm5VyWiI/AAAAAAAAqC0/qZ_O_SBrCW0/w506-h750/THAT%2BSMALL%2BVOICE%2BINSIDE%2BOF%2BYOU.gif[/img] [color=ed145b][h2]~General Information~[/h2] [b] Name (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Rose Louvel [b]Other Names (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red [b]Real Name (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Rose Louvel [b]Occupation (Fairy Tale World):[/b] None [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] A small village near Tortuga [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Affiliation (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Chaotic Good: Whenever she can, Rose will without no hesitation help others but she refuses to let anyone control her methods. It's her way or no way at all. If she truly believes in something, there's no point in even attempting to stop her for she will always find a way to do what she thinks is right. [b]Appearance[/b] - Thirteen Years Ago (3 Years Old): [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/dd/7b/3f/dd7b3f75f10e5d97bddbad0cf6e6947b.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance[/b] - Tortuga (16 Years Old): [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fashion/images/c/ca/-lily-lily-collins-33149463-500-666.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131024183738[/img] [b]Wardrobe Style (Fairy Tale World):[/b] (Presently) - Rose wears a red cape at all times because it is the only connection between her birth mother and home before the Queen took over. She typically wears [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d1/39/8f/d1398f87de99ce27bcfd75c81a44e971.jpg]Pirate clothing[/url] in order to stick in with the crowd [h2]~Relationship Information~[/h2] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single [b]Partner:[/b] None [b]Father:[/b] Jacob Louvel, [i]deceased[/i] [b]Mother:[/b] Amnesty Louvel, [i]deceased[/i] [b]Siblings:[/b] Ezra Louvel. [i]deceased[/i] [b]Pet/s: [/b]None [b]Other:[/b] Granny (grandmother), [i]Thought to be deceased[/i] Saidi (caretaker for 5 years), [i]deceased[/i] [hider=Detailed Relationships]Coming Soon...[/hider] [h2]~Personal Information~[/h2] [b]Personality: [/b] Hidden within dark alleys, small corners, forbidden forests, you’ll find one red-cloaked, little girl. Rose Louvel had grown up being alone and isolated from the world and it’s where she’s come to be most comfortable. Without the stress and fear of being within the clutches of the Dark Queen’s powers, she can find peace within her mind to relax. There are very few occasions where Rose is given these short moments of complete isolation but she takes them when she can and as long as she can. Every inch of Rose’s personality is rebellious. Rules and Rose are things that simply do not belong with each other. Growing up within the dark times of the Fairy lands, she’s never known a world full of light and happiness, but it still doesn’t stop her from disobeying the new order established. Rose absolutely hates the Dark Queen and the ruin she has casted upon the land, spreading hatred and poison wherever she spews her magic. Whenever Rose finds the opportunity, she aids all those who have been victimized by the Queen and often causes many outbreaks of accidents to those who support her. Since she lives in Tortuga, a place ruled by Pirates and lost of any authority, doing things like this is quite easy. Rose doesn’t have a place to call home but she likes to think one day, after the Dark Queen is ripped off her throne, she will have one. Curiosity will be the death of Rose. Should even the slightest spark of interest catch her eye, she can’t rest until she figures it out. Not knowing something drives her absolutely insane, keeping her from sleeping or even concentrating. So far, her curiosity has done nothing but get her in avoidable dangers and one day, it’ll get her caught or even killed. Growing up alone and in a city stinking with Pirates, Rose was forced to learn survival skills fairly quickly. The best hiding places, where to snatch food, how to keep going, are all things she’s come to mastered in Tortuga. While it may not appear so to outsiders, she is quite clever and can get herself out of most situations. Rose is also fairly agile, since the majority of her day is spent running. That, combined with small frame, make her chances of escaping and hiding much higher. The only thing Rose has ever known is survival and because of that, she is incredibly brave and courageous. While she does feel fear from time to time, she refuses to let it control her. There’s nothing she’s not willing to go down with for. Risks are about making change and if one wants to make a difference, they must make risks. Rose understands that and will never surrender to anyone or back down from a fight. Rose is also beyond sarcastic, a trait that can both annoy and humour others. Whenever she sees a good joke coming, she can’t help but share it with the world. With all the stench of darkness filling the world, Rose isn’t sure she could make it without a little fun once and awhile. Her humour plus her adventurous spirit always equal a great time. At times, she can even be a little cocky and it can get her in quite the trouble. [b]Strengths:[/b] -With her agile and small build, Rose is extremely fast and can outrun many people as well as maneuver through most places. -From watching various people, Rose has become quite the pickpocketer. She can easily snatch coins from Pirates, especially drunk ones. This is how she manages to stay alive and afford food. -While she isn’t very good at managing a sword, Rose is quite talented with daggers. There are always at least three on her at any time. -Rose is incredibly smart and someone finds a way of risky situations, most of the time in a unique fashion. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Since she’s small, Rose is relatively weak. -She’s also never been the best with fighting people. Sword fighting has never been her strong suit so she always tries to escape from all fights. -Working with others is something Rose is terrible at. She prefers to work on her own. When it comes to conversing with others, she also finds trouble for she has no social skills whatsoever. [b]Magic Capabilities:[/b] Rose possess no magical abilities. [b]Weapons:[/b] Rose owns a silver rapier she snagged from an extremely drunk female pirate but she never carries around with her for it adds extra weight. It’s hidden within a cave on the coast of Tortuga where she occasionally goes to take refuge. She has several daggers though and will never go anywhere without at least three of them. [b]Brief Biography (Life In The Fairy Tale World):[/b] Rose was born to two villagers who lived in a fairly happy town. She likes to think the first three years of her life were happy and easy but she remembers nothing of her former life before the dark cloud of the Queen’s hatred spread across the world. Their village was pillaged by Pirates and an assortment of cruel villains, showing no mercy as they burned the town. Before she could even say ‘I love you’, both of her parents were ripped away from her and Rose was forced to flee her small town with only a red cape her mother had owned. Rose’s older brother of 13 took her to the only place he knew, his grandmother’s house in the woods. Granny had somehow yet to be touched by the Queen’s evils but the two children cried tears of relief to find an adult to help them. Time was not on their side though for it seemed only a matter of hours before their grandmother’s house was discovered. Knowing there would be no chance of an elder and two children to hide, Granny packed the two’s pouches with food to last them a week as well as a few blankets to keep them warm. An old friend of hers, who owed her a life debt, lived within the city of Tortuga where she hoped for them to be safe. As the woman was about to say goodbye to her beloved grandchildren, a terrifying creature of huge size attacked her home. The wolf had followed the scent of the two children and was in need of a warm meal. Granny sacrificed herself in order for both Rose and her brother to escape and to this day, Rose has no idea what happened of her grandmother or the wolf. By some droplet of luck they still managed to have, the two made it safely to Tortuga where after some difficulty located their grandmother’s friend, Saidi. Rules were simply ignored within the city and keeping two children hidden was easier than most would have believed. Saidi had not been pleased when she found the two of them at her doorstep but if only to honor their grandmother’s deal, she took them in. For five years, she took care of them but not without a price of course. The two worked for her, cleaning, cooking, everything they could to pay for the trouble. When Rose was 8 years old, her brother, then 19, went with Saidi to purchase a few ingredients and items needed for the home. They never returned. Both of their bodies were discovered a week later in a dark alley lying in trash. As to why or how they were killed, Rose was never told. Ever since then, she has been on her own. [b]Brief Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Since Rose was born from simple villagers, she wasn’t given the opportunity to go to Earth. [h2]~Other Information~[/h2] [b]Other:[/b] Rose has developed a Pirate’s accent but only uses it around other Pirates for she refers the tongue of her parents, brother, and Granny. [h2]~Theme Song~[/h2] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o87hNhgfZvI]Rose's theme[/url] [/color] [/center]