Sans couldn't remember. He had no inkling of anything, except that he was Sans, Sans the skeleton. It was dark all around him, but it was pleasant, warm even. He liked this place, it felt safe and cozy, like something he knew he had experienced before, but just couldn't recall for the life of him. And then he felt himself being pulled at, a gentle, coaxing tug that wasn't unbearable, but was far from comfortable. Exposure was his next sensation. He felt- no... He was exposed, he could feel it. The darkness began to grow cold, eerie, and he swore he just saw something move out there in the inky blackness. The cold was getting worse, he was shivering. He hated this! He just wanted to go back to his safe, warm darkness where he wouldn't be disturbed. After what felt like an eternity, peace settled back into him, the warmth returned, he no longer felt exposed. But the chill remained. He felt violated on the deepest level. But he couldn't voice this. Couldn't move to curl in on himself. And most terrifying, he didn't know what was next. Suddenly, as if wherever he was just recalled his trauma, warmth enveloped him. It was strong, caring, and peaceful, but powerful. He relaxed at last and tried to connect with the warmth, let it consume him, but he couldn't. It was as if there was a thin, but very there barrier between himself and the warmth. Sadness struck him, but didn't consume him. He stayed with the warmth, comforted by its presence. He couldn't think of anywhere he'd rather be. --- Sans woke, for once, not in a sweat, and no cry of terror on his maw, but warm, relaxed, and maybe just a tad uncomfortable. With a small groan, he stretched and raised his head, only to blush at what he saw. Frisk's face was buried in the arm of the couch, and he was practically laying on her backside, one skeleton leg by her head, and the other somehow finding a way under her stomach. With dread he wiggled his toes and flushed completely cyan. He could feel the softness of her breasts on either side of his bony foot. How could she even sleep like that? It couldn't be comfortable! Then he tried to think back to how they'd even gotten in this position. The last thing he remembered was.... Coming home from Tori's, and then... Collapsing. Guilt rang through his soul. He'd worried her, and most definitely Papyrus too. Damn, he was supposed to be the strong one. The one who kept it together no matter what. And he just... Passed out. Whatever, he could deal with that in a moment, right now he had a slightly more.... pressing matter to deal with. Slowly, he tried to pull his foot out from under Frisk, doing his best not to wiggle his toes or wake Frisk.