Hank definitely has a point there. Dervish and I have been running RPs for a while and we notice they always got bogged down when any of these happened: -We were too laissez-faire with the players -We let them have too many collab posts -Literally nothing of note (anything from a fight to a character's admittance to something or a great reveal) happened for any length of time There will always, always be chances for characters to interact. This scene in the tavern was to introduce us into Camlorn and allude to us plotting, as well as just so happening to be a place for Finch to further his character's arc just a wee bit and for a certain Dunmer to introduce themselves. I tried splitting each group into characters I think wouldn't give each other the time of day given your regular ol' tavern scene. I wanted to pen you guys in and force your characters out of their comfort zones when it came to people they're not used to fraternizing with. Brynn vs Fiona and Faruq are particularly at odds with one another, one being a man whose reputation has spiralled out of control and whose betrayal by his group is shrouded in rumor and the others being otherwise righteous do-gooders who Brynn would've had to fight in any other kind of meeting with them. This kind of dynamic can be seen by Mauly's group, that and I really want to peel back Cyrendil's shell and get him talking about his life somehow. I'll get you one of these days, you sonofabitch. But I know these things take time, I'm just saying, conversation will happen. Dervs and I wanted to get you into the filet mignon of the story. All we've experienced so far was the pre-dinner salad, so to speak.