Anthony: Blushing when he seen Ashley enter the store, he gave her a small compliment, “You look pretty.” And then he proceeded to mentally kick himself. Pretty…really? Was he brain dead or something? “I’m fine doing—I mean doing fine and you?” Behind him he heard George chuckle. As they waited for Cassie, he put his hands in his pockets and looked around awkwardly. “You look beautiful,” He said to Cassie once she changed, “Don’t worry about it, we better get going before Maia decides to eat without us.” He said. George was quietly listening to Anthony try to talk to Cassie, it was a tad bit funny but he thought that it was brave of Anthony to make the first move. “Hey Tony…uh…we got you a little present for after dinner,” George told him. Anthony was curious about the gift but part of him was suspicious about it too. In her younger years Maia loved to scare the shit out of him and he didn’t doubt that she still would. “Thanks but you really—“ George waved a hand, “No. It’s a gift. You don’t apologize for gifts.” Anthony blushed slightly and looked down. He smoothed out the wrinkles in his black and gray striped t-shirt as a distraction as they neared the apartment complex that he lived in. George held the door open for everyone and Tony pressed the elevator button. As they climbed the different stories to the fourth, the floor he lived on, Tony thought he was going to vomit. George smiled and casually began a small conversation with the two girls, “So…are you both locals here?” Tony was grateful for the other man being there since it meant that he didn’t have to talk and possibly make a fool of himself. Maia: Once the store bought garlic cheesy bread was done cooking she put it on a small serving platter and put it on the table along with the lasagna. Tony would be surprised with his apartment. It wasn’t often that Maia was able to cook for people or have a tiny dinner party and Tony’s apartment was small enough to have a quiet dinner party but big enough so no one was squished together. The door opened and Maia greeted Tony, the girls and George. She kissed George on the cheek before going to change her shirt in the bathroom. She ordered Tony and George to clean up before dinner as well. Maia changed into a short sleeved light blue striped shirt that had a cartoon image of a baby opening one of the stripes. She hurried back out to the living room as George went to change into a black t-shirt and comb his hair. Tony had been tossed a white button up shirt to wear. He combed his messy hair into a presentable style before joining everyone else out in the living room. “Dinner’s ready,” Maia said before they all sat around the small dining room. On hung on the wall behind Tony was a large framed drawing of a yellow flower. “Looks good,” Tony remarked before serving himself. “Thanks. I hope everyone likes it,” Maia took a few slices of bread for herself before getting some lasagna. Tony wondered just how long she had been cooking…he didn’t keep track as he had been talking to George most of the time since Maia had banned them both from the kitchen.