[color=darkgray]Danica adjusted her hood some, the rain pattering gently against her head. Luz sat ever diligently beside her, tongue hanging from his snout, panting happily. Despite not having ate for days he was still as happy-go-lucky as ever. Luz was really the only reason she even hung on to life at this point. After the death of her husband she struggled to find a reason to go on. The world was so desolate now, full of raiders, and resources were few and far between. She could see a city scape in the distance, maybe less than a mile away from her location. Most of the time it was just radio static. But the pocket radio she carried proved useless as of the other day when she could have sworn she heard bits and pieces of some type of feed. From what she could make of it the person mentioned a mall in a nearby city that was a possible settlement. It was a long shot, but she had traveled three days towards the town. Seeing it now on the horizon was bittersweet. How long it had it been since she had any real human contact she was unsure, but the possibility of a real meal was too tempting to pass up. Her eyes looked down to Luz, brow furrowing. Since Matthew's death Luz wouldn't let anyone near him, or Danica. It was like he knew that they were in survival mode. She could only be thankful of Matthew's service that he acquired Luz. Danica patted her thigh, as she often did, checking that her knife was still in it's holster. She whistled and Luz stood, ear's perked. [color=coral]"Let's find some grub boy."[/color] She said as she reached down, scratched his neck then playing pushed his snout down. Luz snipped lovingly at her and then followed behind her as she headed toward the city.[/color]