[h3]Daniel Collins[/h3] [b]27 - Male[/b] [b]Lycanthrope - Secondary Heir[/b] [b]Blacksmith - Farrier & Weapons Maker[/b] [hider=Skin Form] [img]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f11/krosscowgirl/Characters/stock-photo-69978631_zpsv3cj34rt.jpg[/img] In his skin Daniel is rather tall, standing an imposing six foot six with broad shoulders and a body wrapped thickly in well defined muscles. He exudes that bad boy vibe with the sheer number of tattoos that cover nearly all of his skin. His style of dress does nothing to correct anyone otherwise, he's often found in a simple tshirt and dark denim jeans with boots, a black leather jacket in the colder months.[/hider] [hider=Wolf] [img]http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f11/krosscowgirl/Characters/649867_zpsk9zmegtz.jpg[/img] Daniel, though not as large as his elder brother is still quite impressive in his lupine form. He stands 47 inches at the shoulders and weighs nearly 210 pounds. [/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Daniel is exactly what one might think of when they seem him, especially when they realize it is not just his arms covered in tattoos. He's a lady's man, wining and dining with the best of them. His cool confidence covers him like the finest cologne, he knows full well what he's capable of doing but he isn't particularly flashy about it or his money. He's quite charming when he wants to be but he tends to reserve that for those closest to him, and the ladies of course. Being the secondary heir has taught him many things, including patience. When Daniel wants something he's willing to wait to get it under the right circumstances but he always gets what he wants. He's a master businessman, cool and collected as well as being well versed in strategy. [b]History[/b]: Daniel is the second heir of a prominent and founding pack on Erellon. His eldest brother Niall is the current heir to the pack that is led by their parents, James and Emelia Collins. He is the wild child of the bunch, straying from the path his father chose for him to be a businessman, a blacksmith. He is quite talented in making blades as well as a number of other items. He's also one of the more well known and better farriers, making shoes for horses and other draft animals on Erellon to keep their feet in top shape for the important work that they do. Daniel is one of six children, five now since Niall's twin Aspen died from ICED. [b]Requested Items[/b]: His chibit Linx, his forge anvil, hammer, and some metals, his Banos and a cart. [b]Pertinent Skills[/b]: Blacksmithing, diplomacy, farrier work [b]Extra[/b]: None