[center][h2][color=red]G[/color][color=orange]I[/color][color=yellow]J[/color][color=green]I[/color][color=blue]N[/color][color=indigo]K[/color][color=violet]A[/color] [color=Gray]High[/color][/h2][/center] [i] Welcome to Gijinka high, a place for especially gifted youths just like '[b]You[/b]'. If you came here with the belief's and the conclusion that this was your avrage high school with booring classes and boring structures your sorely mistaken. At Gijinka high we take pride and joy in helping out each and every individual student to be at the peak of your potential, to not only teach you what we can to aid you in fulfilling your dreasm but also to learn from you what we can do to achieve satisfaction from you. Gijinka high is open twenty four seven, seven days a week and we have classes at both day and night depending on your needs. Yet we do not only give lectures... no we offer a bountiful table of options, with activities designed with just '[b]You[/b] in mind. Surfing, Golf, and Dancing is to name just a few, but for those adventurious type who like to get a bit greese under their nails, we offer expeditions into cavern's... exploration, and battles. The only limit at Gijinka high is those we place upon our selves, and we the staff are readily avalible at all time for all your needs. Want a lecture?, Advice?, To learn or teach?. or perhaps you seek comfort or to blow off some steam?. We at Gijinka high are here for your satisfaction, to help you help us to become the best you can be. So Come, come and join us at Gijinka high today. [/i] =============== Gijinka high: A place where Gijinkas, a Fusion between man and Pokémon with the human side being more dominant gather. Existing in its own quite big region with connections everywhere. Open to everyone of appropriate age for as long as required. Its administrated by The Headmaster Arceus, along with Dialga and Palkia. One shouldn't be too surprised to find 'Legendary' teachers and Students here, nor that its always open. Its a rather open setting Rp where characters can hang out and build relationships, and where challanges and plots can be openly discussed and introduced in the Ooc. I don't have much of a st plot at the moment, but as a team I'm quite certain that we can make it enjoyable to spend time in a Academy style setting as Gijinkas. [hr] About the Campus: It lay on a cliffside with just a stone throw down to the ocean, its a very open flexible area where the grass is green and theme based areas exist nearby for everyone's convenience. It have a Dormitory with exactly seven huts that lead to every studen's own personal room that exist within their own pocket dimension accessible by the keycard they get upon joining. Its a thing simply explained with 'Having staff with control over space and time has its perks'. Whoever Designed your personal room did so with utmost care to suit your 'Base' typing, with a few addition to your secondary one if applicable. Its colors are like the colors of the Type of Pokémon you draw your powers, Everything from the Red fire type, or the Gothic Dark type. Its safe to assume that whoever designed these rooms, knew that all girls liked pretty stuff, and all boys liked cool stuff... except for fairy types, they know all fairy types like pink and ribbons and lots of heart shaped pillows whatever they are a boy or girl. [hider=What Type's can expect:] -Warning: Might contain extremely lame puns. Normal: A very standard room without much of anything that leans in any direction, its a room... it got a bed, a desk, a place to cook food at wish... its something every room has without the addition. 'The Plain Room' Fighting: The plain room with a twist, punching bags and skipping ropes... just about everything one could need to stay in shape and get ready for ten rounds in the ring. 'The Gym' Flying: A Vivid open air room, with chances to nap in a cloud based bed or a tree based one, with a excellent air condition providing breezes of both hot and cold on demand. The bed is placed high up and everything is far apart to give you the chance to really spread your wings. 'The Nest' Poison: Quite litterally a mess... someone went berzerk in your room and there's stuff everywhere, all to suit a poison type... it got its own chemistry lab too, because wynaut?... 'The lab' Ground: Dirt floor... sand and well, Ground... whatever you find on the ground, your hut might quite literally be a hollow with additions to make it comfortable enough. No plants, no water, no cold. 'The Burrow' Rock: sandstone, Granite, basalt... stone's of all shapes, color and origin. There's even a big stereo where you can pop rock music. 'The Cave' Bug: Wood, trees, honey and flowers... the perfect place to 'buzz' off. 'The Hive' Ghost: BO!. Scared?... well, your room is haunted, by you. Whatever's in your room might be ancient, look ancient and nobody have really bothered to repair any leaks, crasks and holes in anything. Perfect for all your Ghastly needs. 'Haunted house' Steel: You need good nerves for this room, might need to... steel yourself for it!. Metals everything, because that's what steel types like. Gold, Copper, Silver... oh the 'Iron-y' 'Heavy metal room' Fire: You Will find a fire place in their hut, obviously... you can't have a fire type without well... fire. Magma lamps and your own sauna is other additions. [i]psst... its very warm and cozy. [/i] 'The Microwave' Water: Only 1/3rd of your room is not flooded, the rest is beneath water, might be fresh, might be salt. whoever designed the electronics here did a great job considering your still alive after stepping into it. [i]Caution, Wet floor[/i] 'The Cove' Grass: Green, Flowers and Sunshine. All you need to Grow, the sprinkler in your roof might be there to water you... 'The Garden' Electric: Video games, tv's... and electronics, its the geek's palace and everything is illuminated and shock proof in case you short circuit. One could wonder if the bed is actually a battery slot... Hey at least you will stay connected. 'The power plant' Psychic: A meditation area /slash/ Library, pillows... candles for relaxation and lamps for reading. All a open minded individual could need really. 'The think tank' Ice: Stepping into a frozen wonderland, one could only wish for one thing. Ice cream of course. Snow, ice... frozen bed sheets... or soft powder snow. Its very white... very, very white. 'The Freezer' Dragon: You are Dovahkin, Dragonborn!... FUS, etc... gems, shiny stuff to protect. And a rather mixed room, whoever designed room clearly knew that dragons are very fickle beings who like whatever floats their boat. 'The treasury' Dark: Gothic... black, and mystical. Yep, that's really it. 'Dark room' Fairy: Pink, ribbons, Heats and pretty stuff... all fairy's love. Boy's and girls alike, obviously. Its a Fairly pleasant room.'Happy room' [/hider] [hider=rules] 1: This is a rp for all and not one, try to make sure that its fun for as many as possible. 2: Be nice, be fair, be happy. 3: Smile at all times, never complain, always thank the teachers and be gentle. 4: Ignore rule 2 and 3 if they don't float your boat. 5: Build relationships, build boats... build a mountain, the only restrictions is the ones placed upon our selves. 6: Take stuff to Pm's if unappopriate. 7: No Egg laying during classes. Well... you know, the usual. If you don't know the usual... Well, learn the usual. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Character Sheet] Character sheet: [Appearance: Picture or good description] Name: (And with the seven as my witness I shall name thy) Age: (With years come experience, Thus you can never get old... only more experiment. But you need to be at least 16 years old to come to the academy) Pokémon: (As a Gijinka your part pokéon... which one?) Typing: (Pokémon appropriate) About: (What we need to know about you or what you wish to share.) Traits: Pick seven traits, Good and bad that define you. Because fun. 3 Good, 3 bad, one special. ... Moves aren't really limited to 4. You can have as many or as few moves as you like, just think of them as extensions of your powers, and the more you got, the more your accustomed to using them. They can be focused around something or spread depending on life choices. Enjoy. [/hider]