[center][h2]Sir Garrett[/h2][/center] [center][i]Themerlinhawk[/i][/center] Sir Garrett grinned as Sult fluttered long eyelashes at him. “As you wish.” With a heave he resettled his shield adjusting his position to stay close enough to reach Fanilly and Sult evenly. “Watch it, if you get to far and a bandit guts you then don’t come crying to me to kiss your injuries better.” Sir Garrett brought his shield up and swatted an incoming arrow aside. Where in the nine circles was the [i]King[/i]. As Sult yelled her rather insulting war cry Sir Garrett winced then his eyes bulged as she took off towards the chair with a bottle of alcohol and ill intentions. “Damn it, Sult.” With another heave Sir Garrett looked back to make sure Fanilly was well surrounded before he took off at a dead run in the heavy armor. With a quick two step Garrett dug in his left foot and pressed off of it shifting onto his right foot as he passed the line of shield bares and slid in beside Sult slamming into a bandit approaching her. The man folded into the ground where Sir Garrett drove his warmaul onto his torso crushing the ribs before smashing the man’s jaw into oblivion. “You know if you keep this up you’re going to get yourself killed and then where will I be. The others around here are so damn boring.” Sir Garrett shrugged both his shoulders forward as he resituated his shield and maul before himself. “You think he’ll come looking for us? That’s why you torched it? Hope you’re ready.” Sir Garrett chuckled as he turned slowly looking around covering Sult’s back as he stepped into place to cover her back and flanks. “If you’re going to get run throw just scream so I can know to get the hell out of the way.” Scanning smoothly from left to right Sir Garrett watched for the others, taking note of the Doctor as he moved like a shadow. It did not improve Sir Garrett’s opinion of the man but at the very least it was an appropriate action for the armorless man. Good to know he was worth something on the battlefield. Perhaps the others would see and join them. That or he and Sult were about to have an interesting time. [@AtomicNut]