[sub][@Altered Tundra][/sub] [color=8493ca][b]Type of Request:[/b][/color] Set, please. [color=8493ca][b]Stock:[/b][/color] [url=http://img.over-blog-kiwi.com/0/68/22/34/201307/ob_ab4ef80babe797ae26f1a53f4b73dcd9_richard-copie.gif]Richard Castle[/url] and [url=http://www.renders-graphiques.fr/image/upload/normal/Mentalist.png]Patrick Jane[/url] [color=8493ca][b]Size:[/b][/color] Avatar: 175x250, Sig: whatever size would be ideal for most monitors. [color=8493ca][b]Signature Text:[/b][/color] "It is the dim haze of mystery that adds enchantment to the pursuit." [color=8493ca][b]Description:[/b][/color] Ideally I'd like Castle and Jane to be back to back, sort of like a mock up for a buddy cop show. It'd likely be best to crop Castle off around the waist just like Jane's image is. As for colours and background, I'd be leaving that up to your digression, maybe something inspired by the colours from the title cards of both Castle and The Mentalist. [hr] Hope that's enough to work with, I've never requested anything like this before.