[hider=Callida] Name: Callida Nickname: Calli Age: 21 Personality: Quick to anger, passionate, crafty, goal-driven, and believably deceptive. She is constantly in and out of relationships, but doesn’t believe in love – just fiery lust. Class: Flame Race: Dwarf, being a good foot shorter than most humans Guild: Resins Afell, but is commonly sent on spy missions to other guilds because of her class Affiliation: Evil Home Town: Crimson Red, but she frequents Arrowi City for missions. Appearance: [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/024/e/9/Heart_of_fire_by_chymere.jpg[/img] Sibling: Clarence, known to be deceased. Backstory: Calli remembers little of her childhood, other than knowing that it was pleasant for a little while. Twins Callida and Clarence were born to a classless dwarf couple in Crimson Red, and it was a miracle of sorts that they were born with such great power. Calli remembers laughing a lot and lighting more than a few homes on fire with Clarence, all on accident, of course! When it was about to be the twins’ 13th name day, the raid came – this is when Calli’s memory gets fuzzy. Calli awoke from the raid in a forested area just outside her home town, screams of anguish echoed all around her for what seemed like miles. Her breathing picked up and she began to run in search of Clarence, she hated to be apart from him… and he had never felt so distant before. Calli’s legs brought her to her home before her mind could even catch up and her eyes could take in the scene before her. After realizing that her family home had been reduced to ash, she scrambled through the wreckage, “Clarence!” she screamed for her beloved brother in fear. Her frantic fingers raked through the charred wreckage, unable to feel the heat still lingering. It was then that she found them, a set of three skeletons huddled in the corner of what used to be her brother’s room. Tears streamed down her face as the realization struck her – her family was dead. Thoughts raced through her head, knowing that her brother couldn’t have been killed by flame alone, something had to have led to his death prior to the flames claiming his flesh. The sudden sound of footsteps startled Calli, and it was only then that she realized her thoughts had manifested themselves in screams and moans of sorrow as she clutched her brother’s bones to her chest. “Come with me, dear, and together we will avenge your family” the Caster man promised, and Callida never thought twice about agreeing. That was when the rage came, that was when she chose her alignment. She would find the Caster with enough power to bring her twin brother back from the grave, and together, they would make the world pay. Weapon(s): Fire magick, a flaming whip and a make-shift pistol fires rocks using her own fire powers. Outfit (Optional):[img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gjB03vHkf7I/ThoizappjgI/AAAAAAAABCQ/tHGQx98yjqU/s1600/fire_genasi.jpg[/img] Theme Song (Optional):[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap1agRjSJOo]Death In Fire - Amon Amarth[/url] And because this one is too good to resist… [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J91ti_MpdHA]Girl On Fire - Alicia Keys[/url] Other: Ever since losing her family and joining the Casters, Calli has ruthlessly trained her powers to become as strong as she can be without her brother… but she is nothing in comparison to what she once was with him. She carries her brothers remains with her at all times to feel close to him still, hoping that one day she will be able to bring him back. [/hider]