I'm happy to present to you the last of my Main Characters that I've created: [h3][color=00aeef]Bryce Crest[/color][/h3] [b]Appearance[/b]: Coming Soon... [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 16 [b]Personality[/b]: Bryce was once a very confident, if not overconfident, individual. However, since an unfortunate accident and many failures as a trainer, he has become filled with self-doubt, almost a shell of his former self. He continues to move forward as a trainer for his Pokemon, and the now slim dream that he could one day make a name for himself. Around other people, he puts on his former persona of a confident, proud individual. But those who really know him know the real truth. [b]Hometown/Region[/b]: Dewford Town, Hoenn [b]History[/b]: Being born on Dewford Island, more specifically Dewford Town, Bryce had swimming pretty much in his blood. As he grew, so did his passion for the water. Every day he would be out in the ocean, honing his muscles and stamina. It was hard to get your name out today, there were few things to do so. But Bryce knew what he wanted to do, what he wanted to become. He wanted to be famous. Unlike most kids his age, he didn't become a Pokemon Trainer on his tenth birthday. He didn't feel the need. He kept working out in the ocean for hours on end to reach the peak of performance. At Twelve, he suprisingly qualified for the Hoenn Olympic Team for that year's Summer Olympics, this was his shot, his chance, to get his name out. He kept practicing every day, nothing could stop him now... The next thing he knew, he was clinging to life in Slateport Hospital. He didn't remember much, he was out swimming in a usual practice route when he was attacked by some Pokemon. The doctors connected his wounds to those of a Sharpedo Attack. He was hurt badly, and the doctors barely saved his left leg, which was injured the most. Due to his severe injuries, he had to forfeit from the Hoenn Olympic Team. He tried to recover, to become what he once was, but he would never achieve such a level again. He became downcast, greatly depressed, he would never achieve his dreams now... Then, laying in his bed one night, he was mindlessly clicking through the channels on his TV when he stumbled upon a Pokemon League Championship Match. Someone had made it through the Elite Four of the Hoenn Region, and had come to challenge the Hoenn League Champion. He was amazed at the publicity the event held, and even more impressed when the Champion easily held his own against the challenger. The Champion at that time was Steven Stone. He had a new dream, to achieve that greatness in the contest he had so easily passed up years before. And so he began his journey, connecting to his water past by choosing a Mudkip as his Starter Pokemon. He traveled across Hoenn, catching new Pokemon, and training them as well as he could. He challenged the Gyms, managing to collect eight Gym Badges just in time for the Hoenn League Tournament in Ever Grande City. However, he lost in the qualifying round. At first that didn't stop him, and he went on a new journey through the Kanto Region. He continued doing everything as he had before, eventually gathering eight Gym Badges in Kanto and participating in the Indigo League Tournament. This time, he managed to make it into the top thirty-two. He was getting better. Then he went on to the Unova Region, continuing his process. He made it to the Unova League, but once again lost in the qualifying round. He became downcast again, feeling that he'd done something wrong. He blamed himself entirely for the failure. He considered giving up, going home. But no, his Pokemon convinced him to continue moving forward. He decided to travel to the far off Viore Region, in hopes of finding the spark he had lost. Hearing of all the mystery and legend surrounding the region itself, maybe he could finally find something worth working towards. [b]Pokemon[/b] [b]On Hand[/b] [hider=Swampert] [h3][color=0076a3]Moss[/color] [color=ed1c24]♀[/color][/h3] [img]http://static1.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/This+post+entertains+swampert+_c8d0aa549a567e88265e30a6fd86268b.gif[/img] [b]Ability[/b]: [color=0076a3]Torrent[/color] [b]Moveset[/b]: [list] [*][color=0072bc]Muddy Water[/color] [*][color=fdc68a]Earthquake[/color] [*][color=0072bc]Hydro Cannon[/color] [*][color=9e0b0f]Hammer Arm[/color] [/list] [/hider] [hider=Manectric] [h3][color=fff200]Striker[/color] [color=00aeef]♂[/color][/h3] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4lanvvZ001qd87hlo1_500.gif[/img] [b]Ability[/b]: [color=fff200]Lightning Rod[/color] [b]Moveset[/b]: [list] [*][color=fff200]Thunder[/color] [*][color=f7941d]Flamethrower[/color] [*][color=fff200]Thunderbolt[/color] [*][color=fff200]Thunder Wave[/color] [/list] [/hider] [hider=Flareon] [h3][color=f7941d]Maya[/color] [color=ed1c24]♀[/color][/h3] [img]http://pa1.narvii.com/5744/53a479966f748a37d19c8e31ef7cf3fd081bd7c9_hq.gif[/img] [b]Ability[/b]: [color=f7941d]Flash Fire[/color] [b]Moveset[/b]: [list] [*][color=f7941d]Flamethrower[/color] [*][color=fdc68a]Dig[/color] [*][color=92278f]Shadow Ball[/color] [*][color=f7941d]Lava Plume[/color] [/list] [/hider] [b]Legendary Guardian[/b]: [color=00aeef]Manaphy[/color] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/BIMPRVnw0SUaA/giphy.gif[/img] [b]Other[/b]: He has a quite obvious limp in his Left Leg, something that remained from the Sharpedo Attack all those years before. Even so, he doesn't seem to let that stop him, a sliver of his former determination continuing to shine through. Even though he doesn't completely recall the event itself, he has developed a fear of Sharpedo due to the attack. Even glimpsing a fin in the water will often make him freeze and tense up. When he travels to a new Region, he always takes three Pokemon with him. His Starter, Moss the Swampert, the first Pokemon he ever caught, Striker the Manectric, and his pride and joy, Maya the Shiny Flareon. [hr] Ninian will be working on the Diancie Guardian whenever he gets a chance, but luckily we're a long ways off from that point. I'll be getting up some sort of starting post here in a bit for him, however he seems to fit into things.