[center][h2]Sir Garrett[/h2][/center] [center][i]Themerlinhaw[/i][/center] Garrett heard the whistle from his left side and it triggered something in the animal portion of his brain. That sound was so familiar and so lethal. There was zero room for thought; with lightning speed Sir Garrett wiped around grabbing Sult around her shoulders and forced her down. The searing pain shot from just above his bicep on his left arm to his brain. Looking at the shield it took way too long for it to register that the upper left segment of the metal had been punched clean through by the bolt. Traveling further down his arm he could see the mangled remains of the mail between the joints of the armor and the punctured leather where the quarrel had ripped right through it. The scent of his own blood floated through the air as it dripped down over Sult’s armor from the gaping furrow in his arm. The shield was mangled and he couldn’t hold it with his left arm now. It seemed like an eternity as he watched the drops of blood spatter his armor and run over the pauldrons of Sult’s armor. The sight was rather fascinating and it held his gaze. [i]The boar's blood pooled in the runes carved into the barrow stones, it was there to appease the dead. Too many times had they waded into the halls of the ancient dead to kill the reanimated remains of their ancestors returned after a lack of sacrifice to silence them. Dipping his hand in it he put the fingers to his nose and slowly inhaled. It was a strange feeling knowing you had killed something with your own hands. Truly strange.[/i] With a shake of his head the hill clan Knight snapped back to the present. [i]This is how it is then.[/i] Out of the corner of his eye he saw Fanilly move like lightning out of his field of vision. [i]Oh please don’t be doing something stupid.[/i] Standing up but still keeping himself in between Sult and the direction of the bolt he tracked Fanilly’s movement and what he saw made his heart sink as the massive man stepped out of the woods. [color=red][i]No. No. NO. [b]NO! YOU FUCKING DON’T[/b][/i][/color]. Slamming his maul into the ground Sir Garrett all but roared at the searing pain that shot up his left arm. [i]This is what you get for not taking the doctor’s remedy[/i]. No time for regrets now. With his right hand Garrett ripped the straps of the shield off letting the ruined piece of metal drop to the ground. Grimacing he reached up and unslung the bastard sword. [i]Hold on. I’m coming, please don’t make me sacrifice another coming to save you. If he left Sult and there was another crossbowman... If he wasn’t close enough and Tiral’s flank turned...if he wasn’t there and Sir Aethelmund was cut off and surrounded...if they closed to melee with the hundi knight? Where was Marianne?[/i] Standing, the hill knight shook his sword and the sheath was unceremoniously dumped on the ground. Forcing his left arm to move he gripped the hand-and-a-half sword he looked up at the sunlight filtering down through the trees. [i]Don’t make me choose[/i]. In a swift vicious movement Sir Garrett ripped his helmet off. It was impeding his peripheral vision and with the massive bastard sword unsheathed he needed to be able to hit everything. Shrugging his shoulders up Valdoth Thorn let loose a savage war cry that rippled through the camp. The Hill Clan war cry was a vicious animalistic thing that clawed up from the depths of Sir Garrett’s chest. It transformed the good natured man into a killing machine as he fought with reckless abandon. Cutting down anything that got in his way he set his shoulders and made a mad dash towards the captain; killing all foolish enough to stand in his path. “Captain! Run!” Sir Garrett made one last mighty surge up the hill towards Fanilly. As he approached the tree Sir Garrett slashed twice carving huge chunks of burning bark away from the tree trunk. Like a demon breaching the gates of hell he put one foot on the burning tree and leapt to the top of the tree with a tremendous heave. Garrett's heavy boots ground into the cinders before he jumped from the top of the large tree. Bounding down the rest of the way with a roar like thunder. Surging up the hill he attempted to intercepted the giant who Fanilly was locked in combat with. “Get the Hell out of here. Get some fucking archers and turn this bastard into a god damn pincushion!” [@AtomicNut][@VitaVitaAR]