[color=#b4b4b4][h1][b]Petra the Aron[/b][/h1][/color] [i]Folio’s Trunk - Floor 6[/i] Petra had made a mistake. The Kirlia she’d saved was grateful, but left without even helping her regain her balance. By the time Petra righted herself, she looked up to see a very angry Gliscor hanging over her, clicking its claws menacingly. He said nothing, looking at her with an annoyed dismissal. Petra said nothing, and instead defaulted to an expression of defiant challenge. This monster bat seemed terrifyingly strong compared to her, but she wouldn’t go down without a fight. Fortunately for Petra, the Gliscor seemed to think she was one of the dungeon’s wild pokemon, and wasn’t worth his time. He spat something at her, then turned, and shot towards the stairs, chasing the Kirlia from before. Petra breathed a sigh of relief when he vanished. She wasn’t looking forward to actually fighting him. She wasn’t relieved for long, though. The glob of sandy mud the Gliscor attacked her with suddenly became agitated, and spun furiously. Before Petra could react, a swirling sandstorm of mud and rock erupted around her, blinding her and trapping her in place. She couldn’t move, couldn’t see, and the sand got into all the crevices in her armor, worming its way in and causing a burning, stinging irritation as it went. Petra was so overcome with the pain which came from every direction at once, that it was all she could do to curl up and try to maintain consciousness. ~~~ Petra was hungry. She’d been curled up under the pile of sand she was under for a long time, and while it burned and itched, she knew that she would be safe under her little tomb of sand. The sandstorm had ended a while ago, settling down on top of her. Petra had initially wanted to leap out and give chase to the Gliscor, even in her weakened state. However, she knew better. She was exhausted and hurt, and needed to wait to let her body recover. By now she was feeling okay, but by now the Gliscor would be so far ahead she could never catch up. Petra dug herself out from beneath the sand. The room that greeted her was... Not entirely unlike all of the other rooms of the dungeon. The sand that normally coated the floors had all been condensed directly on top of her, forming a massive dune on a wooden floor. Petra had to get herself back to town, though. She was very hungry, and while her pain had subsided and the sand that wormed its way into her was being forced out, she really needed to eat. A gust of wind suddenly blew through the room, blowing an inch or two from the top of the dune. She shook her head to clear it. The stairs were... That way. She walked over to them, and climbed. As Petra climbed the steps, she noted that the next floor was just as sandy as the last, but a good deal noisier. She could hear the sounds of an argument coming from somewhere nearby. A rescue team? Dungeon pokemon rarely talked. Perhaps if she could wait here, on the stairs, and they could accompany her back to town. It was always better to travel through dungeons with others, after all. Going alone as she typically did was dangerous, after all. Petra crouched, on the top of the stairs. She hoped they wouldn’t mistake her for a wild pokemon, that wouldn’t be good.