[color=00aeef][u]Type of Request:[/u][/color] Set please ^^ [color=00aeef][u]Stock:[/u][/color] [url]https://66.media.tumblr.com/54a76d43fa90c077ccc6864eca8026f4/tumblr_oa6v6r4Q9r1v9pr3so1_500.png[/url] If it's a size you can't work with, just let me know and I'll find a different size [color=00aeef][u]Size:[/u][/color] Avatar: 175x250 Signature: Whatever size works that allows the text and picture to blend well together [color=00aeef][u]Text:[/u][/color] "The world is full of monsters with friendly faces." For a theme I was thinking of something somber? And for my avatar, I would like a border of some kind but no text please [hr] *waves* Hiya! How's it been? ^^ [@Altered Tundra]