Julianna was searching as hard as she could for their enemy but he was nowhere to be seen. She had only run into the occasional bandit so far and frankly there was wasn't much of worth in any of the structures, mostly tents, for the bandits to fight for. This was all highly suspicious. "Where is he? If he is not here then..." Julianna's blood ran cold as the implications started to settle in. The main opponent was not in the camp which could only mean one thing, he was never there to begin with. Her thoughts turned out to be correct as a gigantic crashing sound could be heard from outside the camp. Julianna turned around toward the source wide eyed, a large, burning tree that crackled from the flames had fallen on the ground and trapped on the other side was Fanilly. Standing in front of the small captain was a very large man with an equally enormous sword. There was no question who this was. "Arg! This wouldn't be happening if I was in command!" Julianna could not help but lament; however, inside she was downright terrified at what could happen. The battle would no doubt be won no matter what but if they lost their captain in exchange it would be a great blemish on their order. On the other hand, having the captain so miserably fail and fall in battle would but her noble faction backings ahead, but that was not how she wanted to become captain, she wanted to earn that position, not just fill in an empty space. Julianna thankfully was not too far from her location due to where the main tents were located but she wasn't exactly close either. Julianna gritted he teeth and started to charge but it was a bit of distance to cross. She saw Sir Garett charge up before her as he abandoned all defense to reach her in time, but he was also wounded by a crossbow shot, he would lose too much blood and soon be unable to fight most likely. The goddess Mayron was looking down at her as she rushed forward, trying to avoid the burning tree to get to the captain as she sensed something coming toward her. Normally one would hold their shield flat to stop any arrows but this was a crossbow shot and required a bit more finesse. Julianna tilted her shield to give it an angle so when the bolt hit, it bounced off the shield instead of piercing through. There was another crossbow user aside from the one Fanilly had taken out. There was little chance of her reaching the assailant in time before the next bolt was fired even if crossbows took a while to reload. Julianna could only keep going while holding her shield at an angle, unfortunately this tactic left her somewhat exposed to a good shot. All she could do was keep going and hope for the best. Thankfully a skilled shot downed the crossbowman before they could unload another bolt. She thanked whoever that archer was in her mind and continued forward, getting closer and closer by the second.