Sult frowned, upon hearing the comments of a knight... Gillian?[i] Who said that it was a plan? It was an idea to provoke him. Stupid uppity military types.[/i] She cursed under her breath, but managed to utter a "Thank you" to both him and Garret, dedicating a beaming smile to the latter. The barbarian knight had seen through his intentions, proving once that education and clever thinking were two different things. She had barely any time as she could feel the weight of her blunder -sir Garret pushing her down- as she impacted the ground, letting a surprised yelp as she did so. Crimson. Blood from Sir Garret stained her armor. Crossbowmen. [i]Oh great, so Sparky was right. I'm not going to live this one down, am I?[/i] She bitterly thought, as she eyed the ever changing battlefield. [i]Come on, Sult, this isn't like you. You don't blunder this much.[/i] She added as aftertought, her fingers stained crimson with Garret's blood. Which she licked. A nasty glint in the corner of her eyes appeared. Things were devolving quickly, so she made haste. She got up, and witnessed Garret roar and charge. [i]Wounded beast, much? At least he is clearing a path.[/i] It was a sensible option, as she didn't skip a beat in tailing him, her shield and eyes at the ready for more crossbow bolts. One of such penetrated the shield like swiss cheese, but failed to do so through the armor, as it bounced after losing too much of its speed. [i]I'm your shield, Garret.[/i] She added as she pushed herself out of breath, following the barbarian in the mad dash, covering his back while he was wide open. Until it came to an halt, her feet actually slipping slighty upon seeing how the barbarian had leapt like a mad stallion. [i]Can't clear that jump myself.[/i] She looked at the burning tree, biting her lip in the process. She looked at each side of the massive trunk. Running to the sides could take too much time. Fetching something to make a makeshift ramp could potentially take much aswell. She eyed her shield. [i]Maybe...[/i] She skipped a couple of steps, as she began to run. And then she jumped, directly into the log, but with one important difference. She went shield first, weighting herself so she would spin and polevault, sliding across the trunk on her shield. And falling flat on her face on the other side. [i]Looked a better idea when I thought it.[/i] The taste of dirt invaded her mouth, as her face faceplanted on the battlefield. And she could smell something could be burning. It didn't take too long for her to realize. Her own prized hair was aflame! "GAH HOT HOT PTEW PTEW" She added, flailing to douse the incipient flames in her hair, and struggling to her feet, scrambling for her sword and shield. [i]Just hang in there, captain. I'm almost there![/i]